Wednesday, June 14, 2017

These Frustratingly Annoying Surprise Egg Videos

Has anyone else noticed these frustratingly annoying surprise egg videos where the child (and often times, the adult), opens about 100 plastic Easter eggs filled with everything from Tsum-Tsums* to candy? They have taken over YouTube.

Trick question: unless you live on Mars, you HAVE seen these videos, I can all-but stake my life on it. ...just kidding.


Here's the deal, this is a family-friendly, Christian blog and I know I am supposed to always be happy and cheerful and say nice, pleasant things -that is the "Christian way", right?- but, brace yourself, I understand this is taboo, but I am going for it...


(^ this is me, screaming these words!!!)

And I am so not the only one, Sarah Pierce, ak.a. Scary Mommy wrote about her feelings regarding these darling eggies, here.

Not only do I feel they are a total waste of time, but the emphasis is on one more, just one more...which you and I and everyone watching (read: our children) know is never just one more. 

So these parents spend a lot of money (read: waste, they are wasting a lot of money on plastic they will someday horde because they can not look at them without seeing the money they regrettably invested, or throw away because, yep, they are junk). Anyone remember Pogs is possible some of these videos are made with toys donated from the toy companies...idk.

So...the narrator opens one egg at a time and tells the audience the name of the toy. Sometimes, and these are the best, the narrator (who is often a grown male) knows the name without actually looking at the cheat sheet, a.k.a. the paper which tells you how many more you need to collect to complete that particular collection. There are something like 500 collections with an average of, like, 50 in each. For this, you pay roughly $4 each. You do the math.

Here is Princess Strawberry Cupcake 
(NOTE: This name is fictional. I made it up. Any resemblance to a real name of a real toy is purely coincidental).
I am so glad we finally got her! She completes our fancy Tea Party collection!! The joy!! Yay, look how pretty!! Isn't she great!? I love her seeds and how life-like they are!
I kid you not...this is practically verbatim...although it isn't.

Here's the thing, I totally thought these were silly. I'm talking Tsum-Tsums here. I thought, my children will never follow that silly craze. I will protect them, keep their innocent eyes from seeing them, but, should they see, my children are too wise, too clever, they will see right through this junk. 
Nay, I find myself eating my words. 
Because Big Strong Man bought them each one, just one.
Because it was fun to see which surprise (yes, did I mention, they are HIDDEN in foil so you spend $4 on one just to see if you don't already have it!!) Troll they would each get and my boys just loved the Trolls movies so, what's the harm?

Ask me today where those trolls are.
Go ahead.
Because I DON'T KNOW.
Ask my children...
they don't know either.

I have three sons, this equals $12 floating around our house somewhere. 
We will never see that money again. 

I know, simmer down lady. 
I hear you.

On my watch, my sons are verboten to watch these videos. Yes, they last for-ev-er and it is tempting to put one on and have an hour to myself, but I am losing sleep (not really) over how much I cannot stand these things. (Big Strong Man feels else-wise.)

I wish people would stop making them. 
I do.
Is that bad?

More than that, I wish my sons were too mature for them, but then again, they are 2, 4, and 6, so, don't grow up too fast, little dudes!

Do you watch these videos?
Anyone on my "following" make these videos?
What are you opinions?

*I looked up Tsum Tsums and Disney came up...can we say monopoly?

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