Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Painted Ladies of Our Own

I want to share a dream with you. Not a dream I had while sleeping, but one Big Strong Man and I have birthed out of our own minds and hearts.
We would like to have a butterfly farm. 
Have, as in, own, run, and manage, a butterfly farm of our own.

When we lived in North Carolina, there was an AMAZING butterfly farm called All-A-Flutter Butterfly Farm and we made a big deal out of going every year because it was one of those events where it is equally as fun for the parent as it is for the child...and those can be few and far between. They would begin with an interactive presentation which showed all the parts of a caterpillar/butterfly in large, detailed, props. (Butterfly wings are easy, but a hose as a proboscis, that's genius.) This would conclude this the caterpillar spinning it's own chrysalis (with toilet paper or a big blanket) and eventually breaking through, ala gorgeous butterfly.

Every time I read The Very Hungry Caterpillar, I get to the last page and make the wings "flutter" by moving the pages up and down. 

And it is this magical feeling of being surrounded by nature (I am so not a nature girl) and complete beauty. It feels Heavenly.
At least I think so...sometimes my boys, and the other children there, get overwhelmed by the onslaught of butterflies suddenly on their arms, heads, and noses.

Yesterday the boys and I went to a state park where a butterfly exhibit was set-up. We headed directly to the butterflies and oohed and awed over things we have already seen many times: chrysalises, milkweed, the proboscis. Yes, every time is like the first in that is is so exciting!

So this dream of ours was birthed out of a desire to create something so magical to call our own. 

In full disclosure, we haven't thought too in depth about it. Yesterday the gentleman who ran the butterfly exhibit, with whom I had shared the dream of my husband and mine, asked so many questions of us and I could barely respond.
Do we want to have the farm, or exhibit only? (Farm as well.)
Which types of butterflies do we hope to attract? And by my response to this question, do I realize just how strenuous the farming will be to provide for all these butterflies? (Numerous types, and, no, I had no idea it would be strenuous in the least.)

Graciously, he seemed willing when I practically guaranteed him I would someday be calling him up to pick his mind over the ins-and-outs of butterflies.

Before we left the exhibit, I snapped a few pictures of my darlings with the butterflies and we purchased our own "kit" to bring home and observe.

Zeplin with a Painted Lady
Demitri wasn't quite as thrilled
Up close with a Monarch

This kit included 4 caterpillars with food:

It also included this pop-up cage:

The plan is to observe the caterpillars for the next 9-12 days at which time they will grow and then begin to form their chrysalises. At that point, I transfer the chrysalises to the pop up cage so they have room to fly once they break out as butterflies.
Our type is called a Painted Lady. 

                                                           Raising Butterflies

Although the great people at Folk's Butterfly Farm (from whom we made our purchase) tried to encourage us release our Painted Ladies after "hosting" them for only a few days, I plan on keeping them until them have some eggs and then trying to start the life-cycle over again. To do this, I will be doing some research to find out how I can feed the butterflies and their baby caterpillars.
How exciting!

Have you ever been to a butterfly farm? Big Strong Man also speaks of having a bee farm, so maybe we will shoot for both! How exciting THAT could be!

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