Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Painted Ladies on the Roof!!

Our Painted Ladies are all upon their coffee filter roof! 

Yesterday they were checking it out...the roof. Going up there and then returning to the bottom where they spent most of their time.
Today, all four have spent the majority of the day up there!!

Admittedly, it is difficult to tell them apart. One is skinnier than the others and another one is dramatically less active than the others. Besides these, they each look fairly similar.

We decided to name them. 
Zeplin has chosen two names: "Crawly" and "Flyie"
...Demitri is rather creative with "Do-Jo-Ding-Dong" or something similar.
I asked Thatcher, who, at 27 months still has limited vocabulary, and he said "Daddy". haha
Big Strong Man didn't want to play along, so I affectionately names the 4th caterpillar "Bethel". How appropriate. 

During the day, we bring the caterpillars into the living room where there is plenty of light and noise. Thatcher's potty is out there and I like to bring the container down to his level while he is sitting on his personal throne, relaxing. We count the caterpillars and observe where they are and what they are doing. Mostly, they all sleep at the same time and then move at the same time as well. (Lots of action or none at all.) Because of the arrival of our new friends, Thatcher has been very interested in reading and re-reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar. It is his favorite book to sleep with currently. Sometimes I play music on YouTube (Bethel and Bethel Kids) and at least one caterpillar is always on the side of the container facing the screen. hehe...that's my caterpillar!

During the night, I bring the container back into our kitchen and place it on the fireplace. Here, our friends remain a little warmer and they can rest up high without fear that a 2-year-old might get to them while a mommy is still sleepy in her room!

As of typing, I just placed them back in the kitchen. They are all still on their roof!!!

Oh man, I am excited to see what tomorrow brings!

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