Thursday, June 15, 2017

Summer Bucket Lists and VBS Out the Wazoo

Last year Mcfive started planning a Summer Bucket List with the end of school and beginning of summer.
This year we thought we'd aim higher than last year and actually cross off everything on our list!...we are high achievers. PLUS, we added goals for the boys...and as I type, I am thinking I need my own goal or two, as well.

(Big Strong Man got in on the action as well and made this HIS summer goal:
We discovered this delicious goodness when we went to a golf course our sons have been begging to try for months now. One item crossed off the list, another added.)

In addition to the typical: beach, family reunion at Knoebels, and walking Purple Stride (the pancreatic awareness walk we have participated in since my step-father had been diagnosed a few years can read his story here), we have such fun things as riding on the top of a Double Decker bus (which we can do right in our own hometown), and have an ice cream exploration and decide on our favorite shop in town.
The goals for Zeplin are to learn to tie his shoes BY HIMSELF and, well, he needs another......
Demitri is going to learn to write all the letters of the alphabet in order and spell his name.
And Thatcher is getting potty trained. -This last one has already begun and he is doing superbly!! (Far cry from Zeplin who -mercy- took 6 months!)YAHOO!! 

This post is being born out of my desire to procrastinate signing my beloved up for the myriad of Vacation Bible Schools we are participating in. Yes, I did write MYRIAD and WE. 
Let's break this down.

I am procrastinating because the online sign up forms are typically less-than well put together. So I type a lot of information and then it refuses to send...or sends me back to the beginning...or something of this matter.
I write myriad because we attend an estimated 30 vbs' EVERY SUMMER because I happen to think they are one of the best ways to spend our mornings, and sometimes our evenings as well. 
Most are FREE, which is super, and the intent is to teach and have fun ALL IN THE NAME OF JESUS, so, that's amazing. 

And  then there is the word we.
We. A noun.
It means, plural, and including oneself.
It means that I participate in every vbs my sons do.
The truth of this is that I a) feel better being near my sons, especially when I do not know the church and the people at the church, b) I am that Momma Bear who wants to be intimidating -if needed- and yet gentle and precious...which goes back to point a, c) because I am SO GRATEFUL for the people who put their vbs' together (this is neither a small nor inexpensive feat, btw), I am happy to offer any assistance I can. Usually I end up serving juice, but my boys see me, I see them, and everyone knows to be good and kind to those kids
Do you have a summer bucket list? If not, w.t.heck not? They're fun! I promise!
So, off I go, needing to get those sign-ups me I am...going,...ever so slowly...but I'll get there...and they will get I go...

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