Monday, July 10, 2017

Greensboro: ArtQuest (GBO Profiles Edition #2)

I recently posted about the Greensboro Children's Museum and did a "year in pictures". You can see that here. :) It made me realize that, with every passing day, we are still preparing to leave good ole' GBO and move northward, and so it served my family good to discover and enjoy this area while we could!

From that is birthed: Piedmont Profiles, places my family and I have the honor of visiting/exploring/LOVING.

Today I bring to you: ArtQuest.

This is a fun opportunity for children and adults alike to get creative and messy!

                                               Featuring multiple walls for painting...
                                                         endless supplies of paper and paint...
                                                             Imagination overload!!

If you live in the Piedmont Triad, this is a highly recommended location. You can check out the website and see when there offer FREE PLAY here.

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