Monday, July 10, 2017

Schule Beginnt: School Mantle

I may disclose this information EVRY SINGLE TIME I compose a mantle post, \
but I am no Betty Crocker.
I do not enjoy cooking.
(Although I really enjoy eating...imagine that.)

Someday my sons will be grown and I fear they will feel that they have missed out on "Momma's best". You know?
Let's face it, my meatloaf is not going down as the world's greatest.
No one will declare "you can't top my momma's meatloaf!"

So this mantle is, like, my thing.

I decorate it and change it often because I pray and hope that it will be some form of comfort to my grown sons.
They may someday even lament to their beloved wives about how, "no one was more obsessed with giving us this visual stimuli than our momma".   

All that to say, here is our Fall/School has Begun (Schule Beginnt) mantle:

Red Chalkboard, apple and pencil buntings: Target ("dollar" bins)
bird clock: Dollar General clearance

My Zeplin's Pre-K graduation cap
*be still my heart*

Wooden cut-out of the USA, Hobby Lobby (Don't forget their mobile coupon!)

Print offs include:
the Pledge of Allegiance, (the momma's girls blog)

Do you have a mantle, window, ledge, or wall that you are obsessed with decorating?

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