Monday, July 10, 2017

I Got New Glasses...and My Boys have Strep, AGAIN

I went to the optometrist last week and was pleasantly surprised to learn that the woman working with me was, well, a little bit hippie and a little bit grandma...although not nearly old enough to be a grandma.
She was darling, is what I am trying to articulate.

Turns out that my eyes have not changed but micros and a new pair of glasses was not necessary...unless you are me and that means you skipped  a new pair LAST YEAR and were ready for something new.
Variety is nice.
So I found a pair and $2oo something dollars I-did-not-have-to-drop-but-did (gulp) later, I had me a pair of navy frames with lenses ordered.
It was a splurge.
But they sure are pretty!

I saw myself in the bathroom mirror tonight as I brushed my sons teeth, one by one...children that is. One child at a time.
I caught a glance of myself and was trying not to be conceded, it was just that my hair looked cute and my glasses are nice and, well, I wanted to share the moment.
But taking selfies is vain.
It is. Sorry, not sorry.

It was after my third and final son finished his teeth that I found myself noticing the toothbrushes reflecting off the corner of the mirror and remembering that my glasses were not the only new item in our house. With Strep throat being the nasty beast it is, we at Casa McFive know that for every bout we face, a new round of toothbrushes is needed...because if your sick brother gets a new toothbrush, you need one as well. It's like, the law.

Although this is Demetri's 2 bout in an estimated 6 months, Zeplin has had it 6x in 6 months and the doctors are suggesting having his tonsils removed. 
I feel for the kiddo. I had Strep about two months ago and it kicked my butt and drove me to the ER at 2:30 in the morning.
But surgery?
Ewww. I just don't....

My sons are adorable when they are cooperating during teeth-time. When they are yelling, pouting, and running away; or refusing to open their mouths, refusing to enter the bathroom, pretending not to hear me, not so adorable.
But tonight, cuteness overload. 
I wish I had a camera attached to my glasses. One I could just re-watch later and take pictures off they aren't posed, just natural and awesome.
Demetri is incredibly handsome. Brushing his teeth and admiring his grin makes me all kinds of giddy. 
Thatcher was second and he is just too cute. I can't even...
I just wanted to stop time and stare at him.
Zeplin was last and he is just the most amazing kiddo. All heart.
I love them all. Tons.

After their teeth were all brushed, I excused myself back to the bathroom and decided I WOULD take that selfie after all. What? I'm a little conceded. Funny thing, after 46(!) pictures, I could not find A SINGLE ONE I liked.
I deleted them all. Well, except one.
It isn't perfect...or even good... but the humor wasn't lost on me. Plus, you might be curious.

I was feeling rather stupid and wanting to just snap one good picture, so I gave up trying to capture myself and decided to photograph stuff. In this care, new toothbrushes and glasses. I call it, "randomly strewn"

So, these glasses. Let's talk.
They are COACH (which should so not be a factor, -but it is- and I never  -hardly ever- buy expensive stuff for me and these were just beckoning me out of my thrifty ways) and they are Über feminine. There was nothing I was liking at the optometrist. When I found these I began comparing everything to them...and kept coming back to them. That's how you know you found the part you adore. The navy was a nice alternative to black and the bling in the corners won me over instantly.

It is day three of Strep recovery here at Casa McFive.
Gracefully, no one else has caught this crap because we have been known to share cups and -I cannot help it- I kiss my sons ALL THE TIME!!

Perhaps even more ironic, I have been living LESS THAN A MILE from a COACH outlet for the last four months and still haven't been inside. Idk, people, idk.

Well, I'd ask what you think but that would be conceded and vain and I am so not that girl! :)

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