Monday, September 4, 2017

T-3 days 'til Dinner Club (dishes, ceramic hurricane vases, and the unending menu and RECIPES!)

It is the Friday before the first Dinner Club and I am excited, ya'll!
THIS upcoming Monday, three pairs of husbands and wives will be joining Big Strong Man and I as we host our first dinner...oh, the anticipation!

So we have set-out, individually, and come up with the most fun ideas!
For instance, last night Big Strong Man returned from Target with a attractive, ceramic, Nordic Ware dish. It is fun, it is entertaining, and it is so much better because he thought of it.
Today I met his dish with a pair of ceramic, hurricane vases for our table and will pair them with attractive, unscented candles for a fun and calming effect during our dinner.

This was all likely birthed at some point last week when I mentioned that I think it is time for a new set of pots and pans. Ours are -at least- eight-years-old and they have certainly seen better days- and cooked better food.
While at the store, I looked through the pot and pans available and, unwilling to part with $100 for the Pioneer Woman set in blue, the boys and I left with a red set. No, I don't know the name. No, I didn't check the ratings. No, I don't plan on keeping it, either.
I know the quality and safety are the most important, but man, I also want pretty. Pretty equals excitement, anticipation. It means preparing food and enjoying what I am seeing; likewise with cleaning the dishes afterwards.

It is now the week after.
Time left between the initial and the aftermath warrants more words written.

Meal preparation began early. The meal?

Chips and dips
Laura's enchiladas

Laura's enchiladas* are a huge hit when my sister-in-love, Laura, prepares them. When Big Strong Man asked what the meal plan was, and quickly suggested Laura's enchiladas, I knew we A) had a winner, and B) were in this together.
Somewhere between his purchase of the dish and involvement with the menu, I knew this was magic! No longer just "my thing", but ours.

As our kitchen was filling-up with delicious smells and our meal was coming together, the anticipation continued to grow. Prior to all this prep, however, our middle son, Demitri, awoke with a fever. Oh no! Do we have to cancel Dinner Club? I decided to text each guest and allow each to decide what was best for her family. All agreed to come and I agreed to keep Demitri occupied in another room (away from the children of the guests) with cartoons. Everything was a-go!

At six o'clock, our first guests arrived and Demtri was escorted to another room. Here is where something ghastly happened...although THAT I will have to save for another day! Meanwhile, the second set of guests and eventually the third all arrived! With a house full of families and excitement, we enjoyed the margaritas Dawn brought (bless her) and sat around getting acquainted with the space. For two families, it was the first time they had ever been to our home. For one family, the first time they ever met the spouse of a second family, and both members of the third. It was a nice time of greetings.
Then we ate.
Although the plan was having a "kid-free zone", some of our Lovies decided to join us and there was no arguing. Our mottos was the more the merrier! With Rebecca's 2-year-old son eating his weight in plantains and two of our guests asking for the recipe for Laura's enchiladas, I felt the meal had come together both deliciously and engagingly.
Our first Dinner Club gathering was a success!

So here are some thoughts I have acquired:
If hosting a Dinner Club is something you are interested in, just do it! I have no idea how my house, meal, or hosting will "compare" to the others, but I have NO DOUBT that, come the end of the day, every single one of us was thrilled that we got together and made this happen.
Lesson here: Don't wait until you have the biggest house, newest kitchen; until you have mastered a meal or your children are out of the house. JUST DO IT!
Don't kill yourself trying too hard! Although BSM and I talked about preparing Laura's enchiladas prior to the day of (to taste-test), it just didn't happen. And guess what? Had it been horrible, we would have called for pizza. It was so not a big deal.
We gathered. We ate. We started a club.
Lesson here: Try new things! If you feel more comfortable, certainly prioritize trying out a new recipe BEFORE the big day. Or wing it, and hope for the best- that's our method!
Also, our Dinner Club was based upon four families. Families equal children, too. Although we would have loved had they entertained themselves in another room, we really loved having them beside us as well.
Lesson here: Go with the flow. And love those kiddos well.

Come the end of the evening (which was pushing 9 until everyone left!), we realized we had not even had our pie! No fear, I split both pies in half and sent the halves home with our guests. As for us, we froze ours and the boys and I celebrated Zeplin's first day of school the next day with a slice. (I highly suggest defrosting it. Oh, YUMMY!) Big Strong Man actually said "no, thank you" and the boys and I thought he was crazy. Because, he was.

Laura's Enchildadas
1 TB butter
2 med. onions, chopped
1 garlic clove, minced2 TB flour
1 C chicken broth
1 C milk
2 (4oz) chopped, green chilies
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cumin
8-12 tortillas
1 1/2 C cooked chicken, chopped
2 green onions, chopped
8 oz shredded Colby jack cheese
sour cream
Melt BUTTER over med. heat. Sautee ONION and GARLIC until tender.
Cook and stir until thick and bubbly.
Reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Spoon a little SAUCE (^)in the center of each TORTILLA.
Sprinkle CHEESE and CHICKEN in center with SAUCE.
Roll up TORTILLA and place seam down in a greased 9x13 baking dish.
Pour remaining SAUCE and CHEESE over top.
Sprinkle with GREEN ONIONS.
Bake, uncovered, at 350-375 degrees for 20-30 mins. or until hot and bubbly.
Serve with SOUR CREAM and SALSA.
 Are you interested in starting a Dinner Club? Need some inspiration? These two ladies, Jen Hatmaker and Shauna Niequist have been my motivation. Shauna's Bread and Wine won me over! It was the straw which broke my camel-back! hehe
p.s. I returned the Red pot and pan set...I am so going for something I enjoy working with and looking it!!

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