Thursday, August 10, 2017

Farewell, Belong Tour (and People I Luuurve)

Friends, our Beloved BELONG tour has been canceled.
This is not new news but still....
And also, WTHeck??

I suppose I just feel a little...sad.
And frustrated.
And, mostly, disappointed.
...although not as disappointed as the lady who requested off from work, paid for a flight and hotel, and was traveling out of state. She, I imagine, is more disappointed (and frustrated and sad), than I. 

But our tour has been cancelled which means my bestie, Jen Hatmaker (who, no, doesn't actually know who I am...), and my wanna-be bestie, Shauna Niequist, were going to be there and we were all three going to mutually fall head-over-heels for one another...and they were both going to invite me into their individual Dinner Clubs. And I was going to say yes, of course.
And now that has changed.
Ho-hum pig's bum, says my inner Georgia Nicholson.

So this is the post where I mention that I wish the tour was still on and also, hey!, here are some people I luuurve. 
My besties.

Jen Hatmaker and Shauna Niequest- adore.
Georgia Nicholson- luuurve.

Jen's newsest book, Of Mess and Moxie is do in my mailbox ANY DAY friend Mindy (don't you luuurve her name??) and I both preordered...we also live within a quarter mile of one another. Her copy arrived on RELEASE date!! Go Mindy! Mine, two days later and still not here... What gives?
Also, sweet Mindy owns Shauna's Cold Tangerines (which is her favorite) and Bittersweet, and she is graciously letting me borrow them!!! #muchoexcited
And, to my bestest pally Georgia (whose author, Louise Renninson is both brilliant and British...two extra "favorites" of mine), I am beginning the last book in your way exciting-o and hilarious-o book-o set-o, Are These My Basoomas I See Before Me? It is totes bittersweet. I could follow your tragically funny and witty love story for many more years to come! Who do you end up with? The Sex God (don't judge), the Luuurve God, or Dave-the-Laugh. ...fingers crossed, Dave t.L.!!!  <- the pair of you are so fun together and he so rates you!!

Forget that the first two have no idea who I am and the third is a fictional character, they're are so my besties!!

Here are a few more:
Don Miller and Macaulay Culkin.
Don, my favorite author EVER and Macaulay, who I am forever routing for:
You ROCK Mac! You are SO RAD!!

Also, the Disciple, Peter, who I think is most like me and, thus, I find him entirely affirming. (And Jesus SO loved him, even though he had so very many quirky traits.)

I know there are a bucket-full of others, as well. I attach myself to people and become a forever fan. If you write one good book or blog post, it is very likely I will be yours. Always.

So our tour is cancelled but I choose to believe that this, too, is all going to "work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His plans". No tour, but God is still on His throne.
No doubt.

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