Friday, September 15, 2017

Um, I Think We Bought a House (Hellos)

So, um, yeah. I think we bought a house.
Like, our own. From the start.
One we -Big Strong Man, our three sons, and I- all chose.
And adore.
And are making our own.

Details are still to come, but I will share this:
We were pre-approved by a loan company.
We are blessed with a VA loan since BSM did some time in the Army.
And we gave some telling form to the owner think we are doing this.

HELLO, we are buying a house. A precious, beautiful, house. Our house.

In other great FANTASTIC news, my dearly loved friend and fellow Blogger* (plus author, runner, and #1 nanny), Betsy is preggers! This is no small statement, either. This is a much anticipated, much prayed for, much loved, much desired, baby. After waiting for her promised baby for 7 years (!), Betsy and Mike are expecting their first baby in April  2018! Praise God, HALLELJAH!!

HELLO much-loved baby!

We have been snake free for (a day short of) two weeks now. Wheew. (And I returned to my basement laundry room for the first time in over a week today! #nosmallfeat

HELLO nasty snakes be-gone!

Demitri (4) started Pre-K today and insisted on wearing his favorite boots (winter boots) and swim shorts...yep. Boy's got style. His own style, for sure.
                                                           He's adorable!
HELLO Pre-Ker with sass and style.

Tomorrow is DAY1 of Little Man and I doing life together and alone. Just the two of us, building castles in the sky. Just the two of us...

HELLO Little Man and the many adventures we shall share! Like our first breakfast date at the know, the one where you fussed and cried and refused to be calm......our first momma/son date...only the Mexican omelet could offer you solace.

I found my favorite workout video yet. It got me. My legs felt like jello and I had sweat in my eye. That's the good stuff.

HELLO Sarahs Day who's 15min FAT BURNER WORKOUT | Full Body At Home HIIT Workout #kickedmybutt

*You can find Betsy at www.HOPEDURINGINFERTILITY.COM

As I type, we have a countdown to MOPS, AWANAS, Cub Scouts, Dinner Club, Whole 30, and house buying. This is the good stuff.

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