Tuesday, September 5, 2017

What Am I Reading? (Where to find great books cheap!)

Recently, McFive returned to our old stomping grounds in the Piedmont Triad. We loved our time in North Carolina and visiting was great for our hearts. While our time there was short, we did have a few people and places which we prioritized seeing and that is where the meat and potatoes of this post are found.

People are the most obvious. As we were planning and even driving to NC on Thursday morning, Big Strong Man and I were still trying to figure out the best route for maximizing our time. Our first thoughts were focused on priorities. If we could only visit a minimal amount of people, who does that include? For us, the answer was easy: the Alexanders and the Kings. These two families made our time in NC feel like we weren't so far from family. These were friends who had lived with us, invested in us, and the ones we call "family".

After our priorities, it was a list of "I would also really like to see... if the time permits".These people, also, have been huge in our love of NC and graciously two of the three were in town.

Next came places. Not as important as people, but, man, if we could go anywhere, where would it be? To me, this was important. THIS WAS MY HAPPY PLACE. The one and ONLY place I longed to see. Ed McKay's Used Book Store. Friends, I was not disappointed!

Had I had more time, I know I easily could have spent another hour and dropped another $20 bucks on a dozen more great books. There were so many amazing choices!
This isn't new. I have posted about Ed McKay's in the past. I have found incredible resources and Blue Like Jazz at least 5x (and yet I don't own a copy for sake of always passing them on...Best. Book. Ever.)

After purchasing a whopping armful of books, I found myself gazing lovingly at them and wondered if it would interest you to see them? This evolved to taking a photo of everything I was reading, just purchased, and borrowed from friendS. Pretty much, THIS is where my spare time will be focused for awhile. 

Also, I thought it would be fun to see if any of you had a suggestion for "next". Although I have a few lined-up (because they are not mine and I need to return them), those I own are up to discretion, mood, and votes!

Here goes:

What you see: 
Shauna Niequist: Present Over Perfect (friend's copy) and Cold Tangerines(.75 cents!)*
Rachel Held Evans: Searching for Sunday (library loan)
Mandy Hale: Beautiful Uncertainty ($1.50)
Emily P. Freeman: Grace for the Good Girl (.75 cents) and Simply Tuesday ($3)*
Heather Avis: The Lucky Few ($6)
Priscilla Shirer: Fervent ($3)
Tally Flint: The Mommy Diaries (.50 cents)
Mark Gungor: Discovering Your Heart (.75cents) (P.S. HE IS HYSTERICAL!!)
Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins: The Rising ($2) (Part of the Left Behind Series, which I have previously blogged about, see here)

What you DON'T see (because I already shared them):
Donald Miller: Blue Like Jazz($1.50)
Jennifer Hatmaker: For the Love ($3)

What is NOT mine:
Present Over Perfect
Waiting For Sunday
Unashamed (by Christine Caine) (library loan)
Looking for Anne of Green Gables (Irene Gammel) (library loan)
Whole 30 (Melissa and Dallas Hartwig) (friend's copy)

So...I am currently reading Unashamed. Without a doubt, I have been waiting for and am excited to read Waiting for Sunday NEXT and then Looking for Anne of Green Gables and Present Over Perfect  following. After that, I go blank. I want to indulge in every one of them. Whole. Where would you begin? Have you read any which you strongly suggest?

I have a running list of books I would like to read on my phone and anything Shauna Niequist (Present Over Perfect and Cold Tangerines), as well as Searching for Sunday and The Lucky Few were already on the list, so I think I will gravitate towards them.

If it interests anyone to know...I have already read (and look forward to re-reading), Grace for the Good Girl, The Rising, For the Love, and Blue Like Jazz.  

*Oh, and how fun?! Emily P. Freeman is from the Piedmont Triad-same as I was! Plus, my friend Mindy went to the same church as Shauna Niequist! What??!! Too cool!

Oh, and did you happen to notice the WHOLE 30 book? Yeah, I am going to start that in a few weeks (the day after Dinner Club). STAY TUNED!!

So tell me, friends, what should I read NEXT? Also, what are some good books you recommend?

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