Friday, September 22, 2017

Week in the Life...There is SO MUCH Life Here (warts, food, and a major cutie)

Friends, welcome back!
As I sit here at my messy kitchen table, eating a gluten-free, generic "hot pocket" and sipping my Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)/cinnamon/water, I have about 100 things to tell you!!

First, no, the drink isn't delicious- it just IS. Because I want a healthy gut, and clearer skin, and this is promising. Plus, it isn't good, but it isn't rancid either. Homie don't play that.

Zeplin had picture day this week (!) and Demetri's picture form was sent home today, so his are upcoming. My momma heart is full :) 

Little Man and I conquered Aldi's today with Whole 30 as our mission. First, the trip there is an ordeal, because I feel so far from my school kiddos and I am SO AWARE of the time. It kind of un-nerves me. But, we did it. 2 watermelons; 2 cantelope (1 observant cashier stating, "wow, you love your melons!"); tomatoes, multi-colored peppers, pickles, broccoli, bananas, apples, kiwi, green grapes, red onions, sweet potatoes, and cilantro. Plus, nuts: macadamia and almonds (both following Whole30 guidelines with no crap in the ingredients: whole with salt). Also, organic cinnamon spice and nutmeg, and extra ACV. LOTS.OF.IT.

Here is what I did NOT put in our cart: peanuts, coffee creamer, cottage cheese, 100 lbs of Provolone cheese. Also, -the embarrassing ones- hot dogs (although we do eat 100% beef), corn dogs, anything with chocolate, and breakfast sandwiches.

Whole 30 begins on Monday and it is Friday as I sit here, having just completed my Hot Pocket knock-off. Get it in whilst I can...

I have an entire collection of bookies calling my name from the shelf in my bedroom where they lay, stacked upon one another. I began reading, "The Artist's Daughter", which has been on my MUST READ list for over a year- can you even imagine my excitement to have it in my possession? I began reading it and then Big Strong Man and I had a "situation" and there were "words" and he adamantly (and necessarily, I assure you), picked apart my love for reading about other people's lives while ignoring the fact that I need to be working on my own. 
And he's right.
So I laid T.A.D. aside and I began to re-read The Meaning of Marriage, which is a great book in it's own right, just not a "sit down and relax with me" kind of book. PLUS, it is the book the mom's group I am part of will be picking back up and completing this semester, so I should be up-to-speed with the other mommies!

Big Strong Man and I are for sure in a trial period of marriage. Not trial as in, "let's see if this marriage lasts or not", but trial as in, "get behind me, satan!" Sadly, the trials seems like the bulk of what we know. Marriage is difficult. So difficult. 
Yesterday I saw my husband with new eyes. He returned home from getting his hair cut and I just stared, admiring him. I felt like a mother, admiring her son. Often I think I need to think of him as a son- not one I am annoyed at for having to teach and re-teach basic skills to (i.e. wash your hands after you use the bathroom- even number one), but a mother with a son who is not perfect, but is loved. Loved deeply. 

Sunday is Dinner Club. Yay-to-the-hay! #dinnerclubbin'
Big Strong Man and I purposefully chose the day AFTER Dinner Club to begin Whole 30 because, hello!, we ain't no body's fools!

Last night BSM and Zep began Cub Scouts. Yes, my hubby, the Cub Leader/Helper. *sigh* Also yesterday, I went to the dermatologist and had my warts (I know, I know, gag me with a spoon), frozen. They are currently blisters, and Demetri calls them, "Dinosaur fingers".  I know you are eager to see them, there is a picture below. You're welcome. The truth about getting them frozen is this: it hurts. Like. The. Dickens. It felt like both of my hands were on fire. I almost cried. Graciously, it lasted only an hour and then -out of the blue- the pain stopped. Awe, sweet relief. This better work, I mean it, these warts best be on their way out. 
Then today happened and I dropped my son's off at school and went grocery shopping with Thatcher and all I can think about it how these blisters look. I wondered, for instance, if the woman I handed the carton of eggs to noticed my blisters. If it made her want to get her own egg carton when I turned down the aisle. Or the woman behind me in line who would be receiving my cart when I took the one in front of me (standard Aldi protocol: you unload your cart and they have a bonus cart waiting to reload your groceries in. The idea is to save time and this mostly works- unless you have a baby you have to now shuffle from cart A to cart B). Of the woman, I wondered, was she fearful she would catch whatever I had? Did she cringe? Refuse to use the cart? Pull out antibacterial wipes? I'll never know, I wanted out of there before anyone else caught sight of my Dinosaur fingers.

Zeplin's Montessori school has offered each student the ability to learn a second language with Rosetta Stone! This thrills me, naturally, as I have my ENTIRE family learning German together. (An honest review should be in the future.) Bitte!

Meanwhile, in Demitri's Pre-school, they give out free bread and I have been stock piling french toast in our freezer!

I am obsessively watching Sarah's Day vlogs and am committed to doing her 15 minute workouts which are fast, fun, and challenging. I have been focusing on one video per week and this week is ballet.

Our house seems to be moving along swimmingly, and by that I mean: I think we will be in this new house -OUR new house- in just a few weeks!!!

Plus, and this is a story for another day, but I was honest with our Sensei (karate instructor), and told him we would not be investing more money into our karate lessons at this time because A) we are not sure if the boys are in it for the long haul, and B) tis' crazy expensive! If you know me at all, you know speaking up for myself and being adamant and forth-right can be challenging. Let's just say, I would rather smile and then hide.
But I didn't hide, I spoke up. I am proud of me.

My week in pictures:

                                                This kid...

                     waiting in the pick-up line

Generic hot pockets are not too shabby!
Get em' while I can!

Whole 30 overhaul

Ok, Ok, my blisters. I know you want to see them. eww
"Dinosaur fingers"

We've been cooking...

Raspberries, Strawberries, and Kumquat

D.I.Y. Latte trial 

Orange juice, banana, and kale smoothie

Fire pit with the neighbors

Hot air balloon out our front window


Free bread

This cutie!!

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