Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Update: warts, Whole30, workouts, PLUS a Field Trip to the Orchard!

Dearest friends, welcome back!
Can I tell you this? I am so thankful for each of you.
I can personally get caught-up watching dozens of people on VLOGS or read 2 dozen BLOGS and spend an entire day watching/reading about their days- and I enjoy this.
I know there are so many others bloggers out there. Thank you for checking in on moi!

So, I do have some updates...and...wait...I'll take some pictures now so that they have time to upload whilst I type...brb.

OK, I am back!

I thought first I would reveal my wart update. Gross, I know, I know, but fascinating as well. (Don't deny this...you WANT to see. I. Know. You. Do.)
So, full disclosure, I was so not diligent at taking progress pictures. You may recall this one:
Why does my hand look like chicken skin???

but, that was the only one I took until today. (The right picture is what the finger looks like now- blisters popped, wounds healing.) There was a lot of progress, but, let me tell you, I lived a lot of life in the last week and sometimes *this is good* you just have to live and not stop capture a picture.
So...My blisters were nasty and huge and I felt like such a dirty girl. I absolutely assumed that everyone who saw me thought I had some dangerous disease and wanted far, far, away. Graciously, those I did reveal an explanation to were kind and a few even shared with me that they had warts at one time or another as well. It felt 100x better to know I was not alone.
A few of the warts burst on their own (gross...I know) and a few I encouraged in the shower because they were too big and too uncomfortable and I was SO OVER it. After the liquid inside was out, the skin was loose and the white "blob" inside, which I assume is the warts virus, just kind of moved as I played with the skin. It bothered me that I could still see it so I cleaned a pair of nail clippers and clipped all the dead skin, and the white blobs, away. This left me with large, open sores. In some cases, as in this one:
you can see the different layers of skin which were affected. Yikes! Thankfully, after using peroxide on them day and night and Bacitracin each night with a band-aid to keep them clean, they are all healed and some are even barely noticeable!

Unfortunately, I don't think this first round of Cryotherapy was sufficient to take care of all of my warts and some never blistered/popped/etc. My dermatologist told me it may take more than one round. In case you missed my last post, getting them frozen (Cryotherapy) hurts. :(

It has been one full week -plus one full day- of Whole30  and I HAVE been diligent at taking photos of each evening's dinner. Upon seeing these, you will realize that I can be fairly bland and eat the same thing for a week if it's an option (i.e. if I prepare enough one day so that the next three days mean I have to prepare that much less- or nothing at all). Big Strong Man, *bless*, he had a breakdown on day four because - in his words- "there is nothing I can eat", and, "I am starving!" Oh! I almost forgot, there was also this gem, "I cannot even do chicken again. I cannot."

Boiled chicken with fried potatoes and kale
It was (surprisingly?) satisfying and tasty.

Boiled chicken with an attempt at Whole30 d.i.y. ranch (terrible!),
baked sweet potatoes with seasoning- delicious!

Boiled chicken with avocado and tomato slices
(Can you see how his chicken-induced meltdown was brewing??)

                                   Fried flank steak, fried onions, salad greens, tomato slices, avocado

Chicken soup with veggies

Salad-smorgasbord. Chicken, tomatoes, avocado, onions, 
plus my attempt at homemade Ginger-Sesame-Vinaigrette dressing (terrible!)

Scrambled eggs with veggies: tomato, avocado, mushrooms, onion
(This was the day we discovered how much we enjoy hot sauce) 

So...some items to address:
First, yes, it's true, the salad dressings -although Whole30 approved- were not good. At all. BUT, I did use E.V.O.O. when the ranch recipe called for light O.O....and apparently that made quite a difference!
In the Ginger-Sesame-Vinaigrette recipe, I used O.O. instead of  Almond Oil and I went with A.C.V. instead of Coconut Vinegar because, well, I had those and not those. I would really like to try this recipe again- with the recommended Oil and Vinegar.

Then there is ALL THAT CHICKEN. I know, I know! In fact, I boiled about 6 breasts and 4-dozen (!) eggs in those first two days because I just KNEW that we would need the protein and having it ready was key.

On the plus side, I am feeling motivated and healthier...placebo-effect or not, t.b.a.
Also, B.S.M. and I have discovered these gems:

(I straight stopped doing the dishes to try the Pumpkin Pie-it did not disappoint!) 

So...that helps when I am not feeling another banana or apple...or the -roughly estimated 13lbs of produce from this past week.

PLUS, both B.S.M. and I agree that we are both LOVING onions these days! On "Flank-Steak Thursday", they were SO GOOD, that I fried extra once the meat was finished frying. (P.S. I am frying with coconut oil- Whole30 approved.)

 In a previous blog post, I mentioned that I am loving Sarah's Day, the VLOG (just YouTube or Google "Sarah's Day"). I have been alternating weeks with her 15 min at-home exercises and have been really dedicated. I aim for 7 days a week but that NEVER happens. Instead of stressing about it, I just accept that there are some days life is too busy or there is something better for me to be doing (i.e. watching Fuller House season 3 with my husband- this counts as "date night"!).

I think she is adorable and LUURVE her Aussie accent. Also, I enjoy watching her life as well as her exercises.  I binge-watch them while doing housework. I am currently doing this one:

These are great for me because A) I can do them alone or with a kiddo, B) I need NO EQUIPMENT, just me, and C) I can bust this out while my little men are sleeping and it doesn't require me leaving the house or taking 2 hours. SCORE!

In family news, Demitri had a school field trip to the APPLE ORCHARD on Friday and Thatcher and I got to join him:

Another cool side-note here: I am SO EXCITED about this picture because, although you cannot see them, I am wearing workout leggings and I am -clearly- outside where people can see me! This is massive in my mind because I can be SO self-conscious and there was a time I wouldn't be caught dead in these in the privacy of my our house, much less out in the world.

While at the Orchard, we got to ride a tractor and do a tour of the entire orchard/farm. We also got to pick our own apples and them see live bees in a man-made bee hive. It was a fun trip which ended with the boys drinking Apple slushies and me eating my weight in almonds. *bless*

So, this has been my last week, friends.
I hope you are feeling productive, important, and happy. I hope you remain encouraged.

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