Friday, October 27, 2017

Whole30: day 31, What I Ate, How much Weight I Lost, and My Opinions. Plus how to Throw a Party

As  I type, it is day 31 on my Whole 30 journey.
I confess, I was getting over it. I had moments of thinking I could continue this way of eating for a longer period of time (Whole 60, anyone?) The truth is, I knew last night that I could have anything today (well...anything isn't precisely accurate), and I wanted to... eat yogurt with granola...
and 7-layer taco dip...
and chocolate covered espresso beans.
I wanted veggie chips.
I wanted to drive to Dunkin Donuts for a Van Chai *sigh*
and drink a coffee with creamer at MOPS.

I wanted cereal and oatmeal and a blueberry bagel with strawberry cream cheese.

I gave in to too many temptations...I ate dairy and grain and sugar....
I ate a huge serving of coconut granola (ok, an ENTIRE box over the course of the day), with caramel Greek yogurt- once for breaky and once for late-night snack. I ate raisin/sugar oatmeal with my boys for breakfast and munch on it long after, as well. I ate eggs in some delish casserole at MOPS (but skipped on the coffee- go me!)

So, my understanding of Whole30 is this: I have kept myself from these food groups and now I am suppose to re-introduce them, one by one.

Yikes. I would like a do-over, please.

Maybe, and this is logic, if I didn't feel so deprived from them- if I haven't been dreaming about them, and if they weren't so accessible (which is my own fault), I could have paced myself. Maybe.

I feel like a bulimic- not to be crude or harsh. I once was, a bulimic, and I don't say that loosely. I do remember the reality of over-doing it, though. Of eating almost the entire cake- solo, and then running to the bathroom to get it all back up and out. Of crying for the pain of hurting myself and not being satisfied.
I hate that feeling.

I don't know if Whole30 was a good for for me. Going into this, I was hoping my acne was disappear, my warts viruses would die a horrible death, my stomach would get tighter and my gut would heal. I was looking forward to the mind-fog lifting like Jen Hatmaker *luurve* had sworn she felt. I wanted to sleep better, to stop craving crap, and to loose 12lbs- again, Jen.
In reality:
My skin IS better, but not ideal. Additionally, I had begun a vitamin for treating my skin from the inside the week prior to beginning Whole30, and I have been using more natural (d.i.y.) face cleansers: witch hazel and then a coconut oil, vitamin E, and Tea Tree oil combo. is more likely than not a combo of all of these factors.

My stomach is a little flatter but it still looks bloated- like, always. Again, Whole30 or the fact that I have been regularly working out? I.d.k.

Gut? Still gassy. Still bloated. still loose. Gross.

Mind fog never lifted...ho-hum.

I lost somewhere between 1/2-1 1/2 pounds. Yes. Maybe 1 pound. Literally. Possibly 1.5. That's it. That's all. I want to say it is because I didn't really have enough to loose, but that isn't quite true. I want to say it is because I didn't eat too poorly prior to Whole30...well, a girl can dream.

Here are the last, random, photos I have floating around my phone documenting dinner:
boring soup- but still yummy

Coconut aminos instead of Soy Sauce- YUM
sauteed meat and veggies

tuna salad with Whole30's ginger sesame vinaigrette
(This was delicious with the correct ingredients!)
steak, cauliflower, potatoes, and onions

I tried SO HARD to actually like A.C.V. as salad dressing.
I just don't ok. 
Don't even...

In this past month, my uncle turned 60 and my cousins threw him a surprise party! He showed up carrying chicken because he thought the party was for his son Chris' -my cousin- girlfriend and they actually asked him to bring food! It was great!
He had no idea and the restaurant was filled with people who love him and wanted to celebrate his special day. He made the comment, upon arrival, that he was surprised at how many guests "she had showing up for her party". When he saw all the cars in the parking lot, he was impressed.  As it was, the cars were his guests for his party. Surprise!

Happy Birthday, uncle Ron- you're a darn good man!

The following day, the boys and I went to Sawyer's 1st birthday party. Cutie-patootie!! Sawyer's momma- and fellow Dinner Club hostess- is so creative, I just had to take pictures!!

Well done, Creative One, well done!

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