Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Day 27...Desserts, Dinner Club, and the Apple Festival

Whole 30, day 27. We are almost there, friends. Almost there. I strongly believe that there should be a certificate one prints off after completing Whole30. I mean, for reals.

I will tell you this...I had SO MUCH optimism starting this and I am loosing steam. I mean, I am hungry and hot tea is not cutting it anymore.

I know the end is near.... I am on an official countdown.

Although I have gone M.I.A. when it comes to documenting our dinners, I do have some dessert pictures!
Here are some Whole30-approved sweet treats Big Strong Man and I have been enjoying:

fruit salad and Chia seeds

Coconut milk and frozen bananas, blended 

Coconut h20, bananas and blueberries

Kale chips with Chili powder and flakes
and sea salt
-B.S.M. would not eat this if I paid him, but I did. 

Coconut milk, Chia seeds, and frozen mangoes and bananas, blended

We had dinner club today. Our hosts very kindly made us a Whole-30 approved soup and it.was.amazing.
I have always LOVED coconut milk in soup...hello, this is why Thai taste so heavenly! I could have drank this with a straw. My friend graciously sent me the recipe: 

Idk why...the second screen shot will not load. 

This soup was FABULOUS and I will certainly be making more of this!
In other dinner club news...three of the four families have now hosted, which is tre' exciting for me...I mean, for all of us!
The fourth and final family hosts next month, November, and then we are breaking until January. We WILL be having a Christmas party there is that!
(And pictures to come!)

Last week we went to an Apple Festival and had a great time: 
We had to ride a school bus like a shuttle...

Took this kind Fireman's willingness to show our boys how his uniform works
 as an educational lesson

Zeplin was all about it

Big Strong Man made a friend who participated in the Native American-Indian dancing.
Veterans were invited to participate in the dancing as well. 
B.S.M. joined in but made me promise not to take pictures.

The Apple Fest was a blast- but it is pricey and we were limited on time. Ideally, next year we will plan the trip better and make a day out of it.


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