Wednesday, February 14, 2018

No Mom Left Behind

Friends, it's been awhile.
Tonight I break my stretch of not blogging (which was unintentional, but just not my top priority), and write.
It's good to be back.

The thing is, golly, this week I realized that I have not blogged nor worked-out in over a month. Like, since before Christmas. It is February 11th, the birthday of one of my dearest friends.
Happy Birthday, Janis!!

This week I broke that rhythm and worked-out (to which my legs can attest), and now I write. BRAVO.

Over the course of this stretch, we moved (yep, we did!), and so much life happened.
But the reason for this post, what I just needed to write, was this thought on "no mom left Behind".

(I also have some good stuff on this lie I told (Sorry, not sorry), this amazing humility which came entirely unexpected after I threw an epic temper tantrum, thoughts on children's behavior and my own lack of self-control, and some other goodies in the works.)
     Related image

Dinner Club: a noun, as in, a thing, but also a collective group of people. In this case, I am referring to the four ladies of Dinner Club.

Dinner Club went our for a Lady's Night at this uber cute cafe and we talked and laughed and drank our drinks. It was great fun.
As we were leaving, the young lady who served us and held the cafe down, stopped us.
She was a plethora of questions.

How do you do this with kids...
What does this mean...
Will I ever sleep...

After talking with her for a few moments and doing our best at passing on our mommy-wisdom, I asked her if she had heard of MOPS and if I could leave her my number.

Fast-forward to Friday night, and I am sitting with a friend, talking. We take note of our triggers as she had born witness my (graciously successful) attempts at not exploding over my misbehaving children earlier that day.

lack pf control (me)
unmet expectations (her)

The truth is that we stole one another's triggers and declared 
them fractions of our own. 

We also talked about this Barista- Delight from the cafe, who had since begun attending MOPS as well as the mommy-group at my house. Her little lady is 10 months, and light as a feather. The cutest.

This conversation brought forth the following:

I truly feel as though the Lord has given me a burden (read: a deep desire) to love mommas into fellowship, encouragement, and fun. 
Let's face it, it is WAY too easy to stay in our pajamas all day. Sometimes we just need a reason to get out of the house, brush our teeth, and put on some mascara- in any order you chose. 

This burden explains why I have happily invited dozens of mommas to MOPS, BSF, mommy groups and Bible Studies.

Because we do better when we do life together. 

     10 Mother's Day Quotes Your Mom Will Love

It has become so that, when I see other mommas, it is a truly intentional spiel I give about getting involved and finding something to help you get out and feel alive.
...because unwashed hair and the same clothes for four days in a row makes us feel like we are doing the complete opposite of living. Like we are failing at life. 

But we are not.
We are just women who have forgotten what it is like to talk with other grown women, put a bra on, and drink hot coffee out of a mug which is not our own. 

Hence: no mom (or dad, there is no segregation-intention here), left behind.  What would happen if we actually looked for reminders that we are not alone. That other people DO want our company. That having children does not mean we are no longer in need of social interaction and stimuli.
...cuz watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse all day ain't doing for us what it does for our Littles. 

The Cafe Delight, whose name is Emily, is a singer/songwriter. She performed at a cafe the other night and I loved it.
She's fragile, I think.
The first of her friends to have a baby.
And she's young.
But I went to see her and one of the Dinner Club moms was with me.
We cheered her on.

That's how life should be, right?
Let's cheer one another on.

This morning was is now Valentine's Day as I prepare to share this message with the world. Our group has expanded from an estimated 9 moms last year to at least 18 *and growing!*.
Every week a new mom shows up. This morning it was two new moms!

The mommy group meeting at my place started with 4 moms in September- there are 12 of us now!!

This further proves that this ministry is important. Moms thrive in environments where they can talk freely about Mastitis, mascara, and menstruation; Cellulite, cleaning house, and children who do not sleep; Friends, (crazy) family, and faith; How we recently started counseling, love reading Jen Hatmaker books, and all secretly are in love with Jack Pearson from This Is Us.
Hear me, this is important. All of it.

So go cheer someone on, invite someone new into your circle of friends, or make that call or show up at that next meeting.
We do better when we do life together. 
                                     Image result for mom group quotes

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