Sunday, October 28, 2018

100 Days to Brave devo, day 5: Just Start (special appearance by The Camp Gyno)

Welcome back to the 100 Days to Brave, daily devotional.
Today is day 5.

Let's just jump in, shall we? 

" know the thing God is doing in your life better than I [Annie- the author] do. It's time to get quite before the Lord and ask Him what it looks like for you to live a life of courage today. Just start."

I'll confess, it is the being quite part which gets me. Immediate gratification, it was the bellow of one of my Bible College professors. It's true, I see now. We are -and have been- a generation of people who want what we want, and we want it now.
Asking to be still?
To be quite?
To...dare I type this?...wait? On God?

This is no doubt the tricky part. The believing-before-we-are-seeing, part. The believing-when-we don't-like-the-view, part. It is the continual-believing-when-we-see-our-prayers-looking-further-away-and-not-closer, part.
Being still when we feel the constant demand to move.
When we see a world advancing.

When it goes against everything in our natural person.

Today Annie's advice is this: 
Be Brave: What does it look like for you to take a step of courage today 
that will help you start?

Bugger. I admit I am drawing a blank here. With all these words, I have no answer. 

Maybe my step is showing up here. Not allowing this devotional, and this blog, to become another project I begin and fail to finish.

Yes, for today, that is my truth. 

What about YOUR step of courage?
What about this cool young lady and her courage? Brace yourself, this one's hilarious!!! 

May be all be so brave-

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