Saturday, October 27, 2018

100 Days to Brave, Número Cuatro: Look For Brave

Look for brave.
It takes action.

I imagine that there is bravery for every one of us in every day. In every moment, maybe.
Do we speak our truth?
Go right in a world going left?
Stand-up for our faith?
Stand-up for our selves?

Annie's challenge today is to : 
Be Brave: When you see brave, say so. 

I see brave.
Now is a good time for shout-outs:

Jennylynn, you're brave. Sharing your story, your truth at the This is My Brave event. Public speaking- which most people say is the scariest thing ever! (source) And sharing your heart...and life.

My friend Kristina is a Postpartum Psychosis survivor and chose to use her life and story to bring awareness and education to everyone who would listen. She is the founder of the non-profit, The Mommy Box. She is also a Perinatal Mental Heath Advocate.

Not all bravery requires mental health, but it is a topic and a reality many people hide from, ignore, or dismiss. It takes bravery to stand up and share your story.

Annie, our author-friend of this 100 day devotional on bravery, she is quick to tell her listeners that she sees a counselor. So do I.
Whether you do or not, whether you ever had or ever wished, be encouraged. Seeking help for our mental health is every bit as necessary as our physical health.

Who do you know who has stood up for her brave? (Or his, I'm impartial.)
Share a story, encourage someone, tag a friend, shed light on noble causes, and look for bravery.

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