Thursday, October 25, 2018

100 Days to Brave, Número Dos: What is Brave?

Welcome back to day 2 of 100 Days to Brave!

Ya'll, let me be real honest with you for a moment.
Being brave is not for sissys. For real. 

It is not that I want to toot my own horn, but...toot-toot! 
I am putting myself back out there...into this scary world of Facebook once again...after keeping to my own little blog-world for so long.
But why?
Why share this on Facebook?

Image result for Art

Love this? -->
Yeah, me too. I scored it here: at
The Art Of Bravery, Blog. You should probably check it out, ya'll.

Here is why, I have these dreams -scary, intimidating, bigger-than-life dreams- and I need to practice bravery and find myself more comfortable in that space. 
I have convinced myself that if I am really forthright right here, right now, there will be no surprises. One of the bravest things I can do is 
share my dreams. 
So, here goes...
I write because I love it. Like, LOVE it.
Stringing words together is therapeutic and fun and I hope encouraging and funny and, you know, all the things. 
But there is more...
I write because one of my deepest dreams is to write. Like, actually write written books. Books on shelves, in hands, and checked out of the library.
Memoirs; stories of little consequence and yet huge impacts; a children's series.
To have a publisher.  Whoa, Nelly. 

There is more. I want to speak. Like, on stages, in heels. When I obsessively watch Rachel Hollis and Jen Hatmaker on YouTube; when I listen to Lysa TerKeurst and Annie F. Downs (holla), I dream to be a presence like them. ...My cute friend Kelly and I both agree that Annie is probably something like the best big-sister and mentor. pip!-pip!, Annie!

So today's challenge:

Be Brave: Think back on your day. Where can you see God working on your behalf? Or just showing up for you? Tell somebody. 

Today I am telling you that, in this moment, God has given me confidence. I know, I know, it is often times fleeting. I may instantly regret putting this out there. But I will be brave like Annie, and I will show up both here, on this blog, and in my life.
God has given me this dream. God can give me (over and over as is needed) the confidence to see it through.

Where can I see God working on my behalf? Here. In this moment. I am choosing God and I am choosing bravery.

What about you? Annie writes this in today's devotional,

Seeing others be brave makes me want to be brave too. 
It's a domino effect....That's why we have to start.
 That's why we have to be brave- 
so that others will be inspired to be brave along with us. 
We can be brave because we were always meant to be brave. 

So good, right? Yes, Annie, so very good. 

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