Wednesday, October 24, 2018

100 Day to Brave Post, Número Uno: What is Brave?

Friends, Annie F. Down's (!!) devotional, 100 Days to Brave: devotions for unlocking your most courageous self is in my hands!
I am, just slightly excited...eeekkk!

In essence, Annie writes 100 small devotions and each day the reader is challenged to be braver by completing said challenge.
Day One?

Be Brave: Tell one person (a friend, spouse, coworker, a mentor) that you have begun this 100-day journey towards a braver life.

Alright, Annie, I will see you one person and instead raise it to tell 16 people- the approximate amount of subscribers I currently have and of whom I am so appreciative.

Friends, this is my goal: be brave enough to finish this devotion and journal it here, online. The brave portion? Being honest. Blunt, even.

I hope you will join me. Every day I will share Annie's challenge and my response. Some days I will share her stories or personal stories of my own. I may ask you to join in the challenge, too!

Interested in knowing what's going on outside of the 100 Days to Brave devotions? Check out my blog for other tales of adventure, love, life, and curse words...although I hope not too many of the latter.

Look at the inside cover!

 Can I have a moment for this Chevron dress I scored for $1 at a yard sale? 
Oh, and that way-cute little Thatcher-boy!!!

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