Wednesday, November 14, 2018

100 Days to Brave, day 22: You Are Who God Says You Are

I love the illustration Annie gives today about her friend, Jenna.
In short, Jenna got a job at a bank and had to spend so much time counting and recounting money
 -real money- that she learned, by proxy, what counterfeit money would feel like.

This makes so much sense to me because we all get the same 24 hours in each day and what we chose to fill those hours, ultimately, defines us. 
Real or fake.
Good or bad.
Life or death.

My sons attend AWANAS, which is a stand-up organization #blessed assurance  
I am a helper there, which means that I listen to children recite Scripture and watch as they get really into songs I might have otherwise thought were a little lame...except that they are not.
They are exciting because it is exciting to see the children respond to them. 

And these children, same as you and I, get these 24-hours and they are there, choosing to sing along, and they are at home, memorizing. They are filling their lives with the real stuff. 

Annie writes: When you spend time with God and immerse yourself in the truth of His Word, you will easily notice the lies and the things you hear in your head that aren't really you. You will hear the truth of who God says you are much more clearly, like how you are dearly loved. 

Be Brave: 
Finish this sentence: 
I am significant because_______, 
and here are three ways that impacts my life: ______________________________________________________________.

I, Shannon, am significant because God has me here, locationally, mentally, and literally, for a purpose, and here are three ways that impacts my life: I can be a present, loving, wife and mother to my beloved. I am able-bodied and willing, to love, to serve, to try, and to show up.  I am still here. Willingly. 

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