Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Day 21, 100 Days to Brave devotional: You Can Hear God

Ok, I confess, I don't know where else to go with today's word, so I'll sing.
No. Not to you.
Instead I'll link a video or post it on here.

It is the song I keep singing over and over in my mind.
The one from "early church"- when I first began coming to church because I wanted to be there.
My early years of desperately seeking and believing and, you know, all the things.

You should click this photo. Yeah, this one, right below here. Then sing along...I know you want to. Alright, take a moment and do that, please, and I'll meet you on the other side of the music video.

Heaven knows where that came from...I just kept hearing it on repeat in my head.
Maybe the point of today is this, Annie says that we can hear from God- it is her chapter title, so she must be pretty certain.
I, as well, feel certain.

I shared my story of hearing God the other day. If you missed it, you can check out the incredible way that God spoke to me from day 18: 100 Days to Brave, day 18: Pray  I guess now I will just stress to you that I have heard God at other times as well- although most not seemingly so profound. 

Like when I feel Him stirring my heart and I have to turn the television off because...

...the casual way people throw around sex is not for my eyes...
...the way the wife speaks to her husband is disrespectful while supposed to be funny and I just cannot even...
...the Christian character is blatantly rebelling and talking trash about a Jesus I actually truly love in real life

Or when I feel the nudge to shut my mouth and not demand to have the last word. 

I suppose people can argue that it is my conscious, the world, or nature. That is is hyperbole. But I have not experienced that. What I have experienced is something outside of my own desire, education, and ability moving me. Moving my heart, my priorities, and my pride. 

It is outside of me. 

Annie asks: 
Be Brave: 
Could you be brave enough today to believe that God wants to speak to you? 
Just ask Him. 
Pray this: God, I want to hear You. 
I want to know Your voice and recognize it.
 I'm listening. Speak to me. 

I'm reminded of some church friends, our Foursquare church basement youth room and playing Spoons. The Stacie Orrico and Newsboys posters I got for free at the Christian bookstore up the street, lining the walls. I am reminded of the room, filled, with eager youth, wanting to know more of this Jesus. 
When I close my eyes, I can still see this so clearly. I can still see it because it was my truth- my experience. 

We can hear God. This is my experience as well. The God Who made the world, wants to speak to me. And you, too. 

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