Monday, November 5, 2018

Day 13, 100 Days to Brave: Like What You Like

My brother and sister-in-love attend comic-con. They dress the part, they see the people, and they delight in one another and themselves. 
I don't get it, but they never asked me to try.

My sister and her husband, as well as my brother and sister-in-love, all watch wrestling. They willingly pay big money to watch Wrestle Mania (or whatever the current-day equivalent is) and they throw a big party while doing so.
Again, I don't get it. But here's the kicker: no one asked for my permission.

I write this not to try and belittle them -far from it!- it is to celebrate them!
They do these things which may (or may not- I mean, maybe I'm the odd-man-out here), be unconventional. They do this because they enjoy it. 

Wrestle Mania, original slogan, circa 1980-something

Annie writes this, and I am literally just going to copy right from the devotional today because it is that good:

You know what's brave? Giving yourself permission to do the thing you want to do, to like whatever you want to like.
That's my hope for you. That as you grow to love yourself more and more, you feel brave enough to love the things you love instead of altering them because you think that's what it will take to be accepted. 
You are accepted by God. And hopefully you accept you too.

Today's prompt:
Be Brave: 
I love making lists. So today make a list of five things that you really like: 
hobbies, musicians, food, places, TV shows. 
Give yourself permission to really like what you like. 

I wonder if you'll include your list to this post?
I'll start...
1. I really like early John Mayer music
2. I really like Indian, Thai, and Mexican Cuisine
3. I really like to read and have a mile-long book list I keep on my phone
4. I really like snuggling with my sons...smelling their soft hair and sweet breath
5. I really like when Big Strong Man and I are intentional about our dates night and simply spending that coveted time together

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