Sunday, November 4, 2018

100 Days to Brave, day 12: Speak Kindly to Yourself

Speaking kindly comes easily for me. I think God has given me the ability to find nice words for...most people. I am no saint.

Once, I heard the suggestion to speak. Literally open one's mouth and say something when you feel it. The key to doing this well? Speak kindness without hesitation. 

I like your shirt...
You have such beautiful hair...
What lovely children you have...

It actually isn't too difficult to find the object of your attention.
We see the shirts, the hair, and the lovely children.
But we keep silent.
Why is this? 

This practice is one I put into place because I see the results, and they are instantaneous.
The shirt you you know it was on sale at Burlington.
The hair? Now the recipient feels that much more beautiful.
The children, both parent and child feel noticed. Loved.

Here is the part where I tell you that I some times lose those kind words on myself. 
Like, where in the world did they go?
Why are they so elusive? 

Here's some truth: 
The tongue has the power of life and death, 
and those who love it will eat its fruit. -Proverbs 18:21   

The reason I can some times find little or no kind words for myself? It has everything to do with the words I speak over myself on the regular. Words of disdain. Words of hatred. Words of inadequacy.

More truth? I am working on this.
It isn't the meat if what I speak to myself these days.

These days I write out daily affirmations in my gratitude journal, thanking God for
*confidence in Him and in myself
*that I take care of my body, mind, and soul well
*that I see beauty in every day

My Dollar General journals. 
My daily(ish) gratitude journal collection.

The way we speak to ourselves is important. 

Speaking kindly to yourself will make you brave.  

Be Brave: 
Write yourself a quick note and 
list three things you are thankful for about yourself. 
(Seriously. Do it.)

My gratitude journal recently filled-up. Today I began a new one. I write whatever I am grateful for, adding something new as it comes to mind. 
Today I had 23 bullet points. 

There is so much beauty to see, and so much to speak. May we all be so brave as to open our mouths to the lady in line, the neighbor on his porch, and the reflection in the mirror.  

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