Sunday, November 11, 2018

Have Faith, Day 19, 100 Days to Brave

I spent some time reading through the book of Genesis- the first book within the Bible.
Near the very beginning we are introduced to Eve, the wife of Adam. We know little about her and yet we know two very specific things:
She walked with God in the Garden of Eve, and
She believed God was capable of withholding something good from her*.

What a sad reality.
We can read this and find fault in God- why was the doubt even a possibility?
Was He not enough?
Not big enough?
Not good enough?
Not God enough?

The thing is this, the serpent, who we now know was satan, deceived Eve. He straight-up lied to her about who God was...and she believed him.

Today Annie writes about faith.
Having faith.
Keeping faith.

I grew-up in the 80's and 90's, so I instantly think George Micheal and Limp Bizkit...Annie has other plans for us. An artist I had not heard of, a song she asks us to listen to. Scroll just a moment more, I included them here, on this post.

Many times I have felt that my faith must be small. Many times I Have wondered how a good God can be so...
far away?

The thing is this, when I am not over-emotional, when my head is thinking straight, I know in my heart that God is good- He defines the very word! I also know that He does not change, so, if He was good yesterday, He is good today and tomorrow as well.
The difference between my clear-headedness and my questioning God...? Deception.

When I spend time in His presence. When I purpose to read my Bible, sing a worship song, turn off Nashville when they berate Christians and make us all look like terrible people (which they did, and to which I stopped viewing). When I keep my eyes on Him, I am then reminded of Who He IS.


If you are currently in a season of difficult faith...and I know some of you are, keep faith.
If you have no idea where to begin, have faith.

When you fix your eyes on the One who IS, then you can see what is and not be so easily deceived.

Be Brave: 
Download Matt Wertz's song, "Keep Faith" and put it on repeat for today. 
Maybe journal some of the lyrics that stick out to you.

I've made it pretty easy for you, friends. Here are the lyrics: Keep Faith Lyrics

For a little extra are the other two songs as well...excuse the language as I get my 90's angry-girl face on.

*Genesis 3

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