Monday, November 12, 2018

Day 20, 100 Days to Brave: God is Who He Says He Is

Debbie Courtney was one of my favorite professors -and people- at Bible College. She was witty and intelligent. She was sassy...and she had a heart for Jesus like no other.
Over and over she would repeat, 
"You have to know that you know that you know..."
Know Who God Is.
Know what the Bible says.
Know the sound of His voice.
Know that God is Who He says He Is.

Annie F. Downs refers to Gideon today.
Gideon was this guy from the Bible who seemed meek, certainly scared, and highly unlikely- that seems to be God's favorite...if He has a favorite.
The week, meek, lowly, underestimated, underrated, and unlikely= favorites.

The best news here is that, at one time or another, we all take turns feeling like the _____ (fill in the  negative sentiment here). I often feel like the underdog. Who am I, anyway? What does it matter what I have to say? But those moments when we feel our worst? They are some of the best moments for God to thrive:

2 Corinthians 12:9 New International Version (NIV)

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

Instead of focusing so much on the who am I aspect, it is imperative that I change my focus to Who He Is. Who I know, that I know, that I know, He Is. 
And remain there. 

Be Brave: 
Are you hiding from God right now? 
You don't have to hide! 
God is making you brave day by day.

Today I am not running, but I have before. Also, I have hidden. I have played dead. But God knew where I was at all times, because He is the God who seeks me- pursues me!
Do you know this God?

Here is a favorite of mine. A song I heard one day and was forever in love with.
It is a song for telling, perhaps for the first time, who you are to God. A reminding, for others.
Because God? He knows me. And He knows you, too. 

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