Monday, January 14, 2019

Be Generous with Your Money: Day 83; 100 Days to Brave

Today's topic is money and Big Strong Man and I had a shocking blow to our guts yesterday concerning money.
The gist is that we haven't been good stewards of it.
And we need to make better stewardship over our finances a priority.

Also funny, Thatcher and I woke-up puking, so going to church today -where we can tithe and Be Generous With Our Money!- is not going to happen.

The thing is, it is actually not funny- neither the puking nor the poor money stewarding.

Be Brave: 
Give a little money away today- 
to a church, an organization, a friend, or a group you believe in.

Annie writes today about when she was a teacher and how the entire 5th grade collected money for people in need. Children put aside their money and collected over $1000 for others because they were on mission. A giving mission.

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Image result for be generous with your money

I will tell you that Big Strong Man is one of the most generous people I know- generous to a fault, I sometimes think. We may be struggling, or I may think something is over budget for us, but if it is for someone else, all bets are off. And this both annoys and intrigues me. 
I think, in our almost decade-long marriage, I have even learned from him on more than one occasion and decided to go above-and-beyond for the sake of someone else, while denying myself.
I am no martyr.  Don't misunderstand me.

What I am saying is this: we clearly need to improve our financial situation.
It is in this process, however, where I desire we learn to walk that line of stewarding well and with intention, and yet freeing ourselves from the bonds of finances- because they are heavy!

I lived most of my life with a "poor-man's" mentality and so it is a hard sell for me to release that side of me which is finally able to give and not have anxious thoughts and regrets.
I don't want to stop that generosity which is still forming inside of me- I want to water it and watch it bloom!

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Are you naturally a generous person?
Do you, like I have, had a "poor-man's" mentality and find it debilitating to let go because you never know if there will be enough for later?

I pray you learn to let go. And that you are blessed in the trying, as well as the doing. 

Here are some great resources for teaching children practical ways to be good stewards of their finances. And, honestly, this is a great place for many adults (me!) to begin as well.

Teaching Your Kids Stewardship 

(When You’re Not Good with Money)


Go, now.
Kiss the ones you love.
If no one has told you, I love you. I appreciate you.
Be blessed,

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