Saturday, January 12, 2019

Be Generous With Your Wisdom: Day 82; 100 Days to Brave

Yesterday my mom and I spoke on the phone for awhile. In the midst  of our conversation she asked me "what that thing I am doing on the computer" is. "That bravery thing".
It was cute. 

I confess, I was a little embarrassed to tell her the truth. 
The truth being that I decided to post daily about this devotional to keep me accountable but also to make myself known
I want people to read this.
I am writing to be read. 
Putting myself out there to be noticed. 
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I went on to say things like, "there is so much noise out there, I just want to add to the positive", and "there is so much in me that needs an outlet", and I think what I really wanted to say, what Annie writes so perfectly in today's devotional, is this: 

"I hope you remember this: the road to courage is lit by God's wisdom
His Word in the Bible and through the Holy Spirit to you and through others is how you see that road. You tap into that. You ask for that. You dig into that. 

"He will give you wisdom, and you can give it to others
You, friend, are qualified to share godly wisdom because you have God.  

"You can be brave enough to believe that. I know you can. 
And you can be brave enough to share it

"So listen. This is where your bravery comes in. 
You've been given wisdom by God, liberally. 
Brave people offer their wisdom liberally to others."
(emph. mine)

So I try. To give this away. These words, these thoughts, these encouragements. Because I am a silly girl with lots of sides and failures. I am also a woman who loves God, family, and writing
And I love deeply. 

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In Due Time

So I encourage you, all of you, to do brave things. 
This is an act of bravery from me, writing. Putting myself out there. But I am choosing bravery, just as I am choosing to be generous with my wisdom- because the truth is that I am wise. My life has value. And if this helps you or the next person, than I consider that a huge win. 

Be Brave: 
Ask God for wisdom in your life. 
(This is something I pray for every single day.) 
And take some time today to thank someone who has been a wise voice in your life.  

All the best, friend. 
Go now, kiss the ones you love. 
And in case no one has told you today, I love you. I am thankful for you. 

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