Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Be a Mentor, Day 78: 100 Days to Brave (Final RESET)

Blogging has become a journal for me. I begin with this because Annie shares in today's devotional about how she has found so much meaning in the journals she has kept over the last half of her life, maybe longer.

And it amazed her to learn that not everyone keeps some form of record over their lives.

And, although I suppose the record-keeping can be done trough Facebook, Pintrest, or an entire slew of social media platforms, but is there not something sacred about writing? About keeping a running log of life?

Today's devotion begins a new chapter titled:

Give who you are. The world will be a better place for it. 

The focus is on being a mentor to another. And, funny thing, you need only be one day older; have known the Lord one day longer; have been in that position at work one day more, and you can mentor. Because you have the advantage of time, as little as it may be. And with this time, you have the ability to help lead another. Carve a path for those behind you. Be a light and a help-mate to the people who aren't yet where you are. 

"A common roadblock for people is that they feel unqualified. Who am I to mentor someone? If you're walking with Jesus, you have wisdom to pass down to those who haven't been walking with Him for as long as you have."

Mentoring is seen throughout the Bible:
The elderly, mentoring the youth. 
The more established women helping the women just coming into their own. 
Those in leadership taking rising leaders under their wings and helping them to understand what their title, expectations, and challenges look like. 

And for our world today, "The Bible challenges men and women to lead by example and also to teach and pour into those younger than they are, a few steps behind." (emph. mine)

And if we all did this- actually took care of looking out for those a few steps behind, what a ripple-effect our lives can offer! What a beautiful offering and a lovely image.

Be Brave: 
Think of someone younger than you whom you could take to coffee this week. 
Give him or her a call and make time to hang out!  

Image result for helping another up

Yesterday I realized I flubbed the days of the RESET and so today's final day is actually Day 4: How to Plan your 2019 Goals and Resolutions.  

If you have watched these 8 videos (7-day resets plus the intro), please tell me your thoughts. Are you going to incorporate some of these ideas into your new year? It isn't too late!

I will post an update on my Admin Day(s) in a post soon. 

All the best, 

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