Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Blaze a Trail: Day 79; 100 Days to Brave

Blaze a trail, huh? Annie? 

Image result for blaze a trail

Alright, I see you. 

Tonight I sat with two young girls. They are participants in a  ministry for which I am a helper. One of the young girls has confided some information in me which I now ask her about periodically: accountability.
Tonight I learned something new about her and it hurt my heart. 
So, in the midst of ministry, I did what I felt best and asked them to stop their assignments and to look me dead in the eye.

"You are important. You are more important than you may ever know. And you will have bad days. Days which hurt. Days which make you want to cry or scream. And that's normal, those days will come. But when they do, you remember that you are so much more important than the situation. 
You will be fine. Everything will be fine."

I don't know if I am a trailblazer. What I do know is that I wish someone had spoke such truth over me. That someone had looked me in the eye and told me with sincerity and conviction: You are important, and everything is going to be just fine.

I didn't always have that, I just didn't. But I can give it. Freely and often. I can give love and truth and, I guess, I can blaze a trail.

Be Brave: 
Where are you trailblazing? 

Annie says it this way, "I know. It hurts. But God has not forgotten you. He is showing you His love for you, even now. Believe Him. Believe His Word. Believe His heart.

"'Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path,' I sing in my head as the tears pour and I push forward on the trail. To be honest, I never meant for this to be my path, but can my pain make it easier for someone else?"

Yes, Annie, it truly can.

All my best, to you and yours.
Kiss the ones you love.
And in case no one has said this to you today, I love you.
I am glad you are here.


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