Thursday, January 10, 2019

Everything You Have is God's; Day 80: 100 Days to Brave

The earth and everything on it belong to the Lord. 
The world and it's people belong to Him. 
-Psalm 24:1

I like to tell my story. Deciding what to share, and which light I present it in. Deciding what to hold back and still keep just for myself. 
Also, calendar books and notebooks full of lists. I enjoy them endlessly.
Sometimes it is easy to forget that this is all God's. That He has given me this time, this outlook, these experiences. And He has given them to me with purpose. 

To give it all back to Him. 

Because it's all His, anyway. 

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"...God gives us a new identity in Christ. Now we are His. We are stewards of His stuff. So your time, your money, all your resources, even your story- it's God's, my friend." (emph. mine)

And this is true over all things:
my hours
my dreams
my family

this day
this season
this life

It all belongs to Him
There are seasons and situations which are so out of my control and I consider these situations in my mind, visualizing them like a large box. In my mind, I pick up the box and lay it at the feet of Jesus- it's all His, anyway
The good and the bad: it's all His
When I am strong enough to do something in my own strength, and when I am not: it's all His
When I like a situation and when I do not: it's all His
When I have the desire, the strength, the will to press-on and press-in and do the thing, and when I do not: it's all His

This is surrender. 
This is humility. 

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Be Brave: 
Make a list of all the gifts God has trusted you to steward- 
time, money, and so forth. No amount is too small. 
Look at all you have to offer the world!  

Up high on my list is family: 
I am a wife and a mother. 
Daughter, sister, and so forth. 

I am a dreamer. 
A writer. 
A storyteller. 

I live in a house. 
With a kitchen. 

We have food, heat, and a plethora of entertainment. 
Three vehicles. 
A nice backyard. 

We attend church, work, school. 
We are members of the Boy Scouts, AWANAS, MOPS.
I help teach Sunday School and host a mommy group at my house. 

My youngest goes to school in the fall, but until then I remain a S.A.H.M.
And then, after he begins Preschool, I become...a student, a school volunteer, a dedicated novelist. 

I have a body: strong and healthy. 
Two lungs, one heart, and dark hair. 

I steward all these things- people, places, and events- when I do so through a filter of how to live my life in a way which brings God glory. When I give it all back to Him. 
Because it's His

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