Friday, January 11, 2019

January Hellos (and introducing: Mel Robbins)

Hello New Year!

Doesn't the new year make you all sorts of excited? 
Even otherwise mundane tasks and objects magically become more interesting and glamorous.
New toilet plungers and calendar books-Beautiful and clean. Potential canvases for what can (and hopefully never will) be!

Image result for mel robbins quotes: if it doesn't bring you...

Hello MuchelleB and Mel Robbins- I am starting off this year with a LOT of your guidance and excited to see where we go! You have each recently issued "RESETS" and I am 100% drinking all your kool-aid.

Muchelleb, How to Reset Your Life for 2019
Mel Robbins, Mindset Reset

Hello RESET, my word of the year?
And how about decluttering?
Yes and amen!

Hello entering in the last 20% of #100DaysToBrave, and actually making this happen!
Hello ruthlessly throwing stuff in the trash and not looking back.
Hello minimizing.

Image result for mel robbins: if it isn't a hell yeah, it's a hell no

Hello new energy, positive outlook, and learning how to say no to more often (and to the right stuff). As Mel Robbins says (and I quote loosely),

If it isn't a hell yes, it's a hell no. 

Hello taking my little guy swimming yesterday and watching he and B.S.M. splash around.
Hello moving my body and getting some sweat on.
Hello guitar lessons taught to me by my 8-year old. Thanks, buddy. 
  Image result for mel robbins quotes: commitments

Hello goals, resolutions, and plans for you all!
Hello living life with more intention. This time, here, blogging? Yes, I carved this out. With Intention.

Hello tortilla fish fillet- doesn't that sound amazing??

Hello week two of 2019 and a congratulatory pat on the back for seeing the hard work paying off.

Do you love all the quotes? yeah, me too. Thanks, Mel. 

Here's to a wonderful 2019!
All the best,
kiss the ones you love.
And in case no one has told you today, I love you.
I am glad you are here.

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