Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Please Play, Day 71: 100 Days to Brave (RESET {Your Life} Day 1)

Our word of today.
I do love how Annie spoke yesterday of discipline and today of play.
And how, she insists, they go hand-in-hand.

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I agree with Annie on the hand-in-hand theory.
By the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

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Albert Einstein saw the value of play.

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Mr. Rodgers, too. One of the best people I think probably to have had walked this earth.

Today's devotional is nothing big, nothing fancy.

Because today ought to be a day of play.

Be Brave: 
Go play! For real, do something fun! 

**Join me LATER TODAY for PROJECT RESET. You can get a jump start by clicking here. (If you are reading this and I have already posted PROJECT RESET Day 1, I will have that linked here.)

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