Monday, January 28, 2019

You Were Made to be Brave: Day 98; 100 Days to Brave (and Coming Attractions)

"Courage isn't just for the mighty warriors. It's for you (because you are becoming courageous). -Annie


As a child I had handfuls of insecurities. Many of them grew with me as I got older and went to college. Some are still present in my current stage of life.
There are days I feel full of lack, full of hurt, full of fear.

But then there is Becoming. 

Maybe I wasn't born very courageous.

Although our parents and aunts would tell us we were pretty, neither my sister nor I could ever believe it. We would receive applications in the mail for beauty pageants and front disinterest before ultimately walking away, defeated. Neither of us wanted to be rejected by another, so we learned early to reject ourselves. 

But this Becoming. 
I like the truth that I can become someone better than I have known.
A reinventing, maybe, but mostly an acceptance.

I get to become brave, and I am, day by day. 

Here I am. 
It's embarrassing to take your own picture. 
But I think part of my bravery journey
includes owning the moment. 
This felt appropriate. 

It is day 98! In three day's time I will not have a devotional to chronicle, and it makes me anxious. Having a plan, a goal, and accountability, that suited me well.


What will I become?
What will you?

"You can be brave during all the changes of life... Brave wherever you are!"

Thank you for walking us closer to bravery, Annie. 

Be Brave: 
What's the biggest change you see in your life over the past few months? 

Easily, my biggest brave has been sharing this devotional. Nervous every time I publish because what if I am too much? And, ...Here she goes, again! But I click publish and I am also reminded, every single time, that this is for the Lord. An offering. And He makes me brave.

What's next?
I so hope you have been enjoying this 100 Days to Brave devotional
Most days I was eager to get on the computer and type out a post. 
Some days were more difficult...writer's block...time...forgetfulness. 
Mostly, I feel confident saying that I showed up and I did my best

Over the duration of this devotional, I have begun to share with you an interest in what MuchelleB. calls, a Life Reset
I have shared her challenges in vague descriptions back on this devotional and blog from January 1st- through January 8th. 

You can see my January 1st blog entry here, and follow it in sequential order to follow my attempted reset (or beginner's reset, if you please). 

Starting February 1st, I am going to dedicate four days on each of Muchelle's seven 
mini life reset challenges.  

Feb 1-4= Space Reset
Feb 5-8= Life Sorted
Feb 9-12= Dream Year
Feb 13-16= Goals and Resolutions
Feb 17-20= Personal Policies
Feb 21-24= Vision Board
Feb 25-28= Habits 

Make plans to join me, here on or over on Facebook! 
I would love to see some progress reports and feedback from you, so please don't be shy!

All the best as we finish out 100 Days to Brave and prepare for our MINI LIFE RESET CHALLENGES!!

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