Tuesday, February 12, 2019

How to Plan your Dream Year in 2019 day 4/4

How can it be that this was the most difficult challenge for me to articulate? I don't even know....
When I posted this challenge I assumed that I would post all the stinking time because, hello! Planning a Dream Year? 
Sounds amazing!

The thing for me is this...I followed the video and did all the things on DAY 1...and I am struggling about the What Next? What do I write about this challenge, now that I wrote that?

Maybe you are new here and have no clue what I am referring to. -> -> Click here <- <-
and watch this video on pursuing a mini life challenge with a focus on How to Plan Your Dream Year in 2019.
If you haven't already, you may want to back up and start at the beginning, here

So, never fear. Tomorrow we begin challenge #4: How to plan your 2019 Goals & Resolutions

As for said Current Challenge...I looked over my lists again and added some information. Thought over the highlights of 2018, wins, lessons learned, etc.

Also, I reconsidered the advice that was given to me by my sister and a dear friend.
And then I added some reminders to my calendar to "call my sister" and called it a win.

Then this happened. I spoke with my momma and she reminded me of something so very simple, I overlooked it entirely.

One of the best priorities I can possibly think of is being in the present moment. I notice this mostly in the in-between moments. When I am brushing my teeth and have that three minute window to just think.... When I am doing dishes and mapping out my plans for the day.... When I am playing Uno with my sons and already thinking about what I want to do once they are in bed.
Pacing myself, not always needing to be five steps ahead, and just enjoying the now. That's important. That's priority. 

If I didn't stop and linger in the present, I may not have giggled hours later when I recalled Thatcher coming indoors from playing in the snow today; He was soaking wet (even with a snow suit on). I stripped him done naked and sent him under a blanket while I helped Demitri and Zeplin out of their wet clothing. As he walked away, Zeplin noticed that Thatcher's booty was red. Both cheeks. "Why is Thatcher's butt red?", he asked, playfully laughing. Without skipping a beat, Thatcher declared with great conviction, "it's my eczema"! haha
Had I been too busy, I could have missed that!
(To put this in perspective, Thatcher is not yet four, so that fact that he even knows what eczema is, as well as the fact that he has it, can pronounce it, and remembered it- marvelous!)

Another tidbit is knowing that my sons are currently obsessed with Yatzee. Zeplin has yet to play a game and not roll at least one Yahtzee, and Demetri is a superstar high point roller. (Thatcher is my resident dice roller- it's his J.O.B. and he happily obliges.) These are little things, but they make for my Dream Year. Capturing the moments which matter. These are the things I don't want to soon forget.   

*Enjoy the moment...relive it over the phone with Marmie Dukes later...have her remind you that THIS is the stuff you should be writing about...and heed her intelligence.  CHECK MATE.

Image result for Yahtzee

Image result for Yahtzee

What were some of your greatest accomplishments of 2018? 
Do you want to know one of mine?
I spoke up.
I did.

Once it was in regards to not extending the membership I had to an activity I did not love. It was expensive, time consuming, and it became a chore to get my boys there with me. So I told the leader we would not be returning, and he tried desperately to convince me otherwise.
He tried reason.
He tried comparison.
He tried to make me change my mind. 

But I didn't.
And I was so very proud of me!


 Another highlight of 2019 was the best wedding I have ever attended. I wrote and never published a saga of a story which tells the tale of the impossible to understand nature of how one wants to die and live her best life all in the course of 24 hours. It was more difficult to live than to articulate.
But I never clicked publish.

It isn't that I am ashamed, but that it is filled to the brim with honesty- the kind I am not yet sure I can share so publicly.

But I enjoyed the writing. The therapy of getting it out my my head and onto my computer.
And maybe I'll share it, someday.

-Go live your best life...
Come back tomorrow as we begin Challenge Four!...
Go after the life you want....

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