Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Mini Life Challenge number 4: How to Plan your 2019 Goals & Resolutions Day 1/4

Today begins mini life reset challenge Number 4: Goals and Resolutions  **cheers** 

The set-up is as following:
*Choose a Guiding Word for the Year
*Choose Your Supporting Words 
*Put Yourself a Year into the Future, journal, vision, 
*Setting Your Goals (consider short-term vs. yearlong) 
*Know Your Why 
*How (behavior to help you make your goal) 
*Create Accountability (find a partner or be your own) 

In today's post, I am going to focus on numbers one and two. 

*Choose a Guiding Word for the Year
*Choose Your Supporting Words 

Maybe it's just the people I surround myself with, but this is not a new concept to me, granted, I had not stopped to actually complete this exercise previously. 
The idea being that we should each take the time to purposefully chose a word (maybe a phrase or mantra), and that word will be our sounding board, our reassurance, our BATTLE CRY for the year. 
...I suppose I should stop and consider one. 


Image result for bravery

If BRAVERY or COURAGE are your guiding words this year, definently click on the link under the picture to read Terry's post: Be a Leadership Lion: 10 Leadership Quotes to Find Your Courage Without Going to Oz

After I had chosen my word, Bravery, I wrote out what I thought that will, does, has looked like for me:

Bravery looks like
not being afraid of trying
putting myself out there
saying no
saying yes
not living in shame
or guilt
or being defeated
trying, again
trying new things
taking care of self
standing firm in my decisions
speaking up
speaking my truths
caring less about what others (may or may not) think
living free
(*notice these are all verbs. They require action.)

And I included some personal examples for this year:

Finishing this season well, and not continuing on with responsibilities, commitments, and titles I no longer desire or feel called to. 

Flying away with Big Strong Man TO ANOTHER COUNTRY and, get this, WITHOUT OUR CHILDREN, and...wearing a BIKINI in public, even if I don't have abs

Asking my doctor about the personal, embarrassing, or difficult things I have previously ignored. This means taking care of my best self.

Not accepting the fear of Date Nights. (What will we do? Who will watch the children? How will we pay for all.the.things? -Ya'll THIS is has been a legit fear of mine!) 

Doing nice things for me and not A) feeling guilty, B) worrying about finances

Share what YOUR word of the Year (or Season) is below in the comments and how you decided. 

No doubt mine was highly influenced by completing Annie F. Downs devotional, #100DaysToBrave. You can read about that journey beginning here

Some additional suggestions to help you and I both: 

Write it down! ...In more than one place. 
Tell people. 
Find a Scripture or favorite quote confirming the positive in this word and it's application in your life.
Get a tattoo...but only if you really want one.

Naturally, this made me look-up different Scriptures on Bravery, but when I took a moment to think it over, THIS is what came to my mind:

17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, 
the God we serve is able to deliver us from it
and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. 
18 But even if he does not
we want you to know, Your Majesty, 
that we will not serve your gods 
or worship the image of gold you have set up.” 
(Daniel 3; all emphasis mine)

Bravery to stand up for what they believed. 
Bravery to face imminent death so unafraid.
Bravery to trust God in such a difficult situation.
Bravery to speak to the King like so. 
Bravery to know that there is a mystery of not knowing how God works all things out.  
Bravery to lay down your life as you know it.

Share YOUR WORD and continue to go after the life you love. 

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