Monday, February 4, 2019

Last Day Of the First Mini Life Reset Challenge Day 4/4

Today is the last day of the first Mini Life Reset Challenge.
No, you did not miss Day 3- I simply didn't post yesterday.

Over the course of the last four days, I have worked through and documented my take on Muchelle B's "first day" challenge. As a #goal I am going to work through Muchelle's 7-day challenge over the month of February and dedicate 4 days to each challenge.
I encourage you to do this with me.
*And share the love with pictures!*
Challenge One:
Find three areas to declutter.
Clean them out.
Actually clean them.
Leave them better than they were.

First was my bedroom.
Second, books.
Third is health and beauty items.

Do you have these in spades?
You know? Like, SO MANY containers of facial scrubs, soaps, and all.the.things??

After pulling out all the storage containers filled with health and beauty products, I grouped everything in my front room. I had to wipe down a lot of containers (castor oil is so messy!), and wipe out some bins.




Next, I took a hard look at what I have and decided what is worth keeping verses what is not, and then made a running list of what I had. (Had I kept the list, which I decided was unnecessary, I would have wanted to decide on a good place to post this for inventory purposes.) I reorganized and stored everything.
Confession: I ended up keeping almost everything. I don't think Marie Kondo would approve... but I am such a sucker for not wasting money- which is great! It also means I tend to horde. No worries, however.

Face product I do not use/love

A broken water flosser we have kept for too long. 
Vitamins we HATE. And random tops of toothbrushes we no longer own.

Here are a few tricks I figured out in this process of decluttering this morning:

*Regrouping like-items. I had so many products in different spots around my house: in the closet, in my vanity drawers, under the sink. Once I gathered all the items I was able to dedicate specific storage bins for like-items and now I can see at a glance what I have/need.

*Along these same lines, store items which are visible at a glance in similar or identical bins. The Dollar Tree is a great place to find inexpensive bins which *can* look classy and they do the job. I stick with a solid white or gray and am usually impressed. 

*A dedicated "his" and "her" bin. Although they are both pink (because that's what we already owned), Big Strong Man and I each have our own bin under our bedroom/bathroom sink. Inside includes extra deodorants, razors, etc. Items which are specific to us each and can be found in an instant.

Check out these super clever drinking glasses I found at Dollar Tree! I am THRILLED over these! A seriously cute little "Mr." and "Mrs." on the side and these are perfect for our toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss. (P.S. Yes, I have a child's was the only know we had remaining in our stockpile and I refuse to throw away a perfectly good toothbrush.) 

*Bonus: I put together a little bin with feminine product in it and made it super accessible to my guests. If a friend is visiting and needs something, which can sometimes be embarrassing to ask about, she can easily find what she needs and help herself. This is one of those ideas I had as a preteen when I dreamed of getting my period and what that would translate to as a homemaker someday.
In my bin is a variety of product. I don't think it is necessary to buy items you won't use for the sake of a guest who may-or-may-not ever need something, someday, but the more variety you have on hand, the more likely you are to meet their needs and I feel like that is a win.

*Only have in the open what is readily available to use. Although we have four hair sprays, we do not need all four in our morning bin. Instead, I kept out what we are currently using and the others were moved to the "beauty" bin as back -up. 

*This one is obvious but, placing the opened items closest to the front. That almost empty bottle of Dr. Teal's Foaming Bath (with Pure Epson Salt/Detox & Energize with Ginger and Clay)  in in the front so it can be used up and discarded before be go on to the mostly full (yet already opened) bottle of Dr Teal's Foaming Bath (Super Moisturizer Avocado Oil) in the rear. 

Things you DON'T see in this post: feminine hygiene product- because I have a stock pile and I was not pulling all that out. (These can be found at unbelievably low prices when purchased in bulk at Costco, BJ's, or Sam's Club.) Also, our current vitamins, medicines, shampoos, etc. What you see is the excess. The back-ups.

This post was brought to you by inspiration of Muchelle B.'s mini life reset day one vlog post. You can watch her take on this challenge, here

Tomorrow we begin challenge number two: Life Administration! #thiesistheshiznit

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