Wednesday, March 6, 2019

FINAL RESET: Weekly Reset Ideas

Hello again!
Now that our month of resets has been completed, I think it is important to have a plan for the future. Following the advice of our sage friend, Muchelle B., who brought us all the mini life reset challenges of February, the following is a vlog post she shared about
how to reset your life every week.

This can sum-up ALL resets and be a good forward-planning #goal.

At the end of 2018, I sat down to compile a list of daily goals.
Instead of the obvious, work out, devotional, get up early, etc., I wrote out a list of weeklies and have been trying to keep to these items on a set basis, weekly.

My Mondays look different from my Tuesdays, and so forth, so that each day has it's own rhythm and routine. This also helps to me set a mental picture of my calendar when it is not handy. For instance, Monday is my cleaning day, so without fail, I try to clean my house. This includes bathrooms, which mean I need a shower. Long story short, my Mondays are busy. I rarely make it out of my house. And I am plenty fine with this because it has become my scheduling norm.
This means, when I see my dentist and he wants to schedule my next cleaning, I know Mondays are not going to work. I just know. 

Here is a copy of my weeklies:

clean the house
put out the trash/bring it back 'round
prep for mom's group (read, snack)
text Cub Scout families and mom's group for weekly reminders about schedules and plans
boy's homework

mom's group meeting
Sunday School prep
Cub Scout prep
meal planning
boy's homework

counseling/date with Big Strong Man
Scout prep
boy's homework

boy's homework
Cub Scouts
Box Tops: sort submissions, update school

guitar practice

weekly reset (clear out computer, put away piles in house, etc.)
church prep

family rest
school clothing prep

When I see the plan before me, I begin to live by this with intentionality, I can know that my Thursday mornings are typically much slower than my Monday-Wednesday mornings are.

I know that we always have families activities on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, which means we need quick, easy dinners.

I know that I have commitments to church, AWANAS, school, and Scouts, and that each needs adequate time and scheduling beforehand to complete. 
I know that Thursdays and Fridays are my best days to go grocery shopping, and Saturday mornings are my only opportunity to sleep in.

What I am trying to communicate is that I have a plan, and I think you should as well.

You can really break this down as small as you want (daily to-dos), or as broad as you wish (this month's focus is on...). Even this "season" of life can have a theme. A goal.

What are some ideas you have adopted and adapted to suite your weekly calendar? How do you "get it all done?" and stay focused, energized, and organized? 

Are you, like Muchelle, incorporating a weekly reset?

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