Thursday, February 28, 2019

Mini Life Challenge number 7: Creating an Environment to Support Your 2019 Habits, Day 4/4 (PLUS: Bonus LIFE HACK)

Welcome to day 4 of 4...we have come to our end-game, ya'll! (There was no submission yesterday.)

If you have been following along and participating in this MINI LIFE RESET, than no doubt your home is a little more organized, as are your thoughts and goals. You have figured out some personal policies for your life to help you say "no" and developed a vision board to help you say, "heck yes!Your 2019 is kicking butt and taking names, friend!- GO YOU!

Today we return to the final challenge in Muchelle B.'s series:   

Creating an Environment to Support your 2019 Habits ☀️Reset Your Life Challenge

Previously we wrote about creating our Stop, Continue, and Start Lists
If you have not already done so, this would be a great time to compile yours. 
If you are curious about mine, click here!

Today we are focusing on the environment we prepare for our goals...
and, honestly, these are environments for life. 

How do the bills get paid on time when there is no specificity to where they land once retrieved from the mailbox? No definitive "pay your bills" date on your calendar? No auto-pay set up or checks remaining in your you even own a checkbook? 

Side note: Yesterday Demetri (6) and I sat down to finish his Cam Jansen book, 
In the book, Cam (or Eric?) inform a shopper that she can call her daughter by
 utilizing the pay phone 
in the mall. At this point, I realized that my 6-year-old had no idea what this meant 
and I had to explain that, once upon a time, cell phones didn't exist and/or weren't the norm. 
...Which brings me back to my thoughts on checkbooks: 

Do you own one?
Do you know how to use it?
My focus for today is setting up my desk environment, work-out environment, and calendar/note environment. 

Area 1: Desk. 
Full-disclosure, I have AN ENTIRE DESK FULL of papers from heavens-knows-where to be sorted through and shredded/recycled/filed. 

Once this is completed, I can relocate the current system I have, which I documented back on Day 1 of the Life Admin challenge.

Area 2: Workout...I need to compile my workout playlist.

Area 3: A key location or pouch for my calendar and notebook to call home: easily accessible and convenient to relocate from purse to table. 

The Desk: dun. Dun. DUN!

Here is the current situation: 
In essence, there is a LOT Of paperwork which has been sorely neglected and it takes up valuable real estate. The goal is to clear that junk out to make room for the majority of files and such I currently have sitting on the desk

Just your typical junk drawers. 

Papers out of desk, sorted, and ready for a haul. 
Plus a bowl of veggie chips and my SUPER CUTE SIDEKICK, THATCHER. 

The current situation to be relocated to the desk drawers: 

Do you see the shallow organizer? 
You do, it's pretty close to the center point. 
We call this our "game piece bin". 
When we find a random giant red checker, a letter tile, 
a magnetic letter, or a piece of cheese, 
they go directly into this bin so that 
A) it doesn't get lost, again. And 
B) sometimes the accumulation can be SO MUCH, 
Can you even imagine if we actually stopped to put all the pieces away, right away? 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            This looks so much more organized and less crowded after I was able to remove some of the pile-up from the bottom left side.   

The desk drawers are organized!!! And, ya'll, no lie, I think I recycled 10 lbs of paper!

And this cutie drawing on the wipe board! And these clean floors, too!

The Living Room/ Workout location
Alright, here's the truth, I am out of shape. And it stinks. 
But great motivation for me looks like knowing Annie F. Downs did another interview, or Amy Landino uploaded another vlog, and I can watch one of these while breaking a sweat. 

My issue: I don't have a playlist, so when it is time to workout, I spend 15 minutes browsing before I ever get started. PLUS, there is SO MUCH I would actually like to listen to and watch, but I often settle on something less because of time...this is why a playlist is high on my to-do list. 

And then...
Yay, it's completed! I have 120 minutes worth of Annie/Annie related videos, so that should absolutely be sufficient for one week. 
*Warning: YouTube is a black hole! You can get sucked in forEVer.  

Here is what I have saved: 

Sources cited below*

And a pouch for my organizing tools...yeah. My thought is convenience and tracking, I'm not convinced this will work long-term, but let's check it out, ok
Plus, I already have this sweet zipper pouch, so....

Yay! This is it. 
We have completed Muchelle B.'s 
7 Mini Life Reset Challenges 
over the course of 28 days and 
we've got some celebrating to do! 
Go you, friend! Go you!

Share in the comments how you are planning to celebrate during the month of March- your reward for doing life well. 

YouTube Sources: 
Annie Downs

Great job, friends!
All the best,

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