Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Go Mommy Blogger and The Better Mom Devotional, day 14; Two Becoming One

Gosh, I am having such a difficult time finding ground on which to write here.
It's not that I don't agreed with or that I dislike the topic, it's just that I keep thinking of sex (two become one), and I think this is meant to be so much more.

Let's go the route of Ruth, who, except for the single line, "A husband and wife share their...bodies...", doesn't focus on sex. Instead, she writes:

God gives us this gift of one another. He brings us together, but through His power, 
we have to work to stay together. ...A strong and healthy marriage is growing 
in oneness, and we need to protect, nurture, and fight for that oneness. 

When we were first married, it was I who packed up my belonging (including the original Nintendo from my childhood) and moved to the Midwest to be with my husband *gasp! I was a Bride and Wife!* in a humble lake house in middle-of-nowhere, Indiana.
We would live there for just less than 12 months before packing up and moving south to North Carolina, which would be home to all three of our sons, and there we would make a living for eight great years. Great, but often times still difficult.
And now we are residents of Pennsylvania- the state of my youth.

I suppose I share this and not that because through it all, we have been together, although increasing in number with each child given us.

Our singleness became a pair and our pair has become a single unit. We are doing this life, together.

And the furthest thing from truth is that this is easy, no, not at all. 
Neither of us is so precious all the time.
It is because of this that we need to constantly work together, and, more than that even, we need to submit our marriage under God. Pray for His help and His mercy. Pray for eyes like His. Love like His. Grace like His. Commitment like His.

I think this pertains to so much more than sex because that is a perk on what can otherwise be a little mundane. It is in the everyday, the dirty dishes and screaming children, the bills and the house repairs, the dog poop and the noisy neighbors, where we need to be a strong unit, a unified unit, a committed unit. We need to be one.



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