Sunday, June 2, 2019

Go Mommy Blogger and The Better Mom Devotional, day 4; Don't Go It Alone

Sometimes I get depressed.
It can be incredibly difficult to write about and even more to actually converse with others about while in the midst thereof.
I prefer looking well-kept and put-together, over the look of one falling apart and rather sourly.

Depression feels like the stereotypical anvil freeloading on our backs while we, hunchbacked, slump through our days, greasy-haired and barely breathing.
I see this so clearly in my mind.

In reality, it is more than this: weighty and life-sucking, but also isolating.

The hunchback is alone.

Image result for sad black and white
So beautifully dramatic, source

Last month I felt depressed. Because I have felt this on-and-off for -literally- half my life already, I saw it coming while it was still a distance away. I locked my doors and shut my eyes, trying to avoid it. With all my efforts, it was a sad sigh when I opened my eyes and -poof!- it found me.

And I felt alone.
Surrounded by my three sons, my husband, a great church, family, and friends -even books.
Still I felt alone.

So this is profound to me, this reminder of not going alone.

In today's devotional, Ruth Schwenk writes,
"Relationships were never meant to be optional in the Christian church."

What? Why not?
Yes, agrees Ruth, surely nodding her head in agreeance to our questioning.
She continues, "Why does God put such an emphasis on relationships?"

And we stop and wonder.
Is it actually important if I have friends, or even one friend?
If my conversations are greater than the latest episode of Story Bots?
If I pick up the phone and contact someone when I am feeling depressed vs. sleeping on my couch

Well, Ruth explains, "...the Bible shows us that life is meant to be lived in community with others." (emphasis mine)

Like a decree.
Like a commandment.
Like a reminder that God KNOWS.

In the VERY BEGINNING OF TIME, the Bible tells us that God saw Adam and declared that it "was not good for man to be alone". (Genesis 2:18)

We are better together.
We are stronger together.

When I was a brand new momma, I could not get out enough.
I was involved in all.the.things.
Book Groups
I knew I needed community- and I embraced it all!

Friend, we don't have to go it alone.
There are so.many.others -We Don't Have To Do This Life Alone.

And I hope we don't.
All the best,

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