Sunday, November 25, 2018

100 Days to Brave: day 33, What Are You Created To Do?

Practice listening.
Listening to God. 

Ya'll, today is a devotion I just don't feel like doing. It has nothing to do with the devotion being unimportant or my not caring, it has everything to do with it being 10:34 pm and past my bedtime. 
But I have this commitment. 
To show up here with the devotional. 
To deliver. 

Allow me to share a secret: I am not good at finishing things. I mean, a good book? I'll devour it. 
But a project? A goal? 
Not. Good. 

This is the main reason that I share this devotion on Facebook: accountability. 
100 days of me showing up. 
Twice it was just after midnight, but it still counts. 

Be Brave: 
Take some time today to listen to God. 
Pray, sit in the quite, and listen. 
Have your Bible and Journal nearby, and see what God has for you today. 

I was good at this. For, like, two months solid. I was reading my devotional, writing in my gratitude journal, keeping accountability with a friend on the Bible app. 
And somehow I stopped. 

So what am I created to do? 
To finish what I start. 
Or at least try. 
And try harder. 

To seek grace and discipline. 
To show up. 

Here is to turning the computer off, prepping for bed and hoping for an early start tomorrow. 

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