Sunday, November 25, 2018

Day 32: The Difference Between Dreams and Calling; 100 Days to Brave

First thing, Annie drops the word "visceral" and I totally had to look it up- and listen to the pronunciation, too.

vis-er-al. er.

Regardless of the "er" vs. "eh" in visERal, Annie tries to differentiate between dreams and callings and, sucker as I am for a good example, I was still left a little lacking.

Because they seem too similar to tell apart.
And aren't they the same thing, anyway? 

Apparently not.

Your dreams are, well, dreams.
Your calling is a sure thing.

*Your calling is the ingredient in your kitchen, and your dreams are all the ways you can use that ingredient. (Annie)
*Your calling is the that you write your story. Your dream is the style you write it in. (me)

So...I think I get this. Ish.

My friend Betsy, I mentioned her, here, she is an author. She has self-published three books thus far and not one is alike.

Her memoir is about a season of her life.
Her children's book is about the four seasons.
And her self-help book is about writing one's own story.

Image may contain: text

Her calling is writing, her dreams are the different ways each book comes forth.  

Be Brave: 
Make a list of a few dreams you have for your life. 
How do you see your calling being displayed in your dreams? 

A list of my dreams include growing old (joyfully) with Big Strong Man.
Holding and playing and loving on my sons and the families they grow to have.
Writing and sharing my truth and life.

All different dreams, but the calling is the same.
I am called to love passionately and share this love thorough different avenues: family, hard but worthy causes (marriage), and career- which is for others as well as self.

But aren't we all called to love passionately? 
Yes, no doubt.
But my disposition is unique to me.

I love greatly because I have been loved greatly by my Heavenly Father.
I also love greatly because I have felt unlovable.
And I am open to sharing this all because I believe it heals: myself and others.

I am a naturally optimistic woman. I am a teacher and a leader.
I am willing.

Your calling, the thing God has placed in you for the good of the planet and the good of your heart, isn't going anywhere.  (emphs. mine)

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