Friday, November 23, 2018

Day 31: How Do You Find the People to Tell? (100 Days to Brave)

This one is tricky.
Today our challenge is to find someone we can trust, someone who is trustworthy and isn't too emotionally invested in our lives (so as to keep a level head and not be overcome with debilitating emotion). Someone wise and someone who has experienced failure.

Ideally, this person is all-in-one.

And that is why this is tricky for me.

I have some wise friends. Some I really admire and I feel I glean from when I am in their presence.

Marcie. Betsy. 
I admire you both so greatly.
Your hearts. Your perseverance. Your character.

Although I don't know of your failures, I do know that you have each endured hard times and have come through them so very strong.

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Be Brave: 
Tell someone your dream. 
Whether you have a huge dream or something smaller, find someone you trust and tell that person. 

 Annie writes: " will learn a lot from someone who has experienced failure. Failure is often the best teacher. You might consider sharing your dream with someone who has pursued their dream and achieved it and with someone who has mourned that dream and moved on to another."

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