Thursday, December 18, 2014

Of Good Cheer part 1: It is Well

July 31

It is Well go the lyrics to a truly beautiful song...
                  "...whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
                                           it is well, it is well,
                                              with my soul"

My sweet momma told me that, just two weeks ago, her stubborn, manly, set-in-his-own-ways, beloved was baptized.

In the pool of a churchgoer; the Evangelistic church my momma has been attending for the last couple of years, he gave his life to Jesus. 

This gentleman was raised Roman-Orthrodox.
My momma, a Penecostal Christian.

There are other character traits to describe this man: his being  generous and very hard-working are just two.

He was diagnosed with cancer last year. Pancreatic cancer.
In the last 12 months, he has lost almost half of his body's weight and has been sick more often than not.
He can no longer work his career: hasn't since he was diagnosed.

Still, he is built to move and has a difficult time just sitting around.

He decided to attend my momma's church. To see what it was like.
Naturally, this was the day someone spoke in tongues and people danced down the aisles. If you are not familiar with this -and even if you are- let's just be frank:
It can be weird.

I mean, not to my momma and I. Not to my sister, either. We all fell in love with Jesus at a church like that. But remember, this man is a different breed than us. He is practical and not fanatical.
Until this.
He returned to this church with my momma again.

He returned.

Together, they did a Bible study on a Thursday night with momma's Penecostal church.
An announcement was offered: a swimming pool baptismal for anyone who was interested.
He signed-up to attend.

He was baptized in a pool.
Water poured over his head.
And I have never been more proud of him.
Never happier for him.

He continues to fight this cancer.

Thank you for your prayers, gomommyblogger

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