Thursday, December 18, 2014

Of Good Cheer part2: Broken Hallelujah


Broken Hallelujah

Melanie had two cousins.

All three were girls who had grown-up like sisters.

In the midst of their high school years, Melanie's aunt and uncle were in a terrible car accident and both were killed. Melanie's cousins lost both of their parents.
...I can barely stand right now...

When I met Melanie, she was a young mom with three adorable littles. She no longer lived near her cousins, as marriage and life have moved her states away.

When I met Melanie, she shared with me, and a group of women we share a study group with, that one of her beloved
cousins was sick and not likely to live very long.
...Everything is crashing down...

This dying cousin had two young sons and no husband. She did, however, have Jesus.

Her sister, Jamie, was very healthy, and led a very different life. Married but childless, she was caught between not believing in God and not caring much for Him.
If He even existed.

He was the One who had taken away her parents. And now her sister.
...And I wonder where You are...

For about two months our study group prayed and we would do weekly check-ins with Melanie. Her dying cousin was not getting any healthier but seemed to be in good spirits.
...I try to find the words to pray...
...I don't always know what to say...

-Truly, I do not know how anyone without the hope that Jesus brings can face death in good spirits.-
...But You're the One who can hear my heart...

At the end of the year, we took a two week break for Christmas and upon our return to the study group, Melanie informed us that her cousin had passed away. A few days before Christmas, 2013.
...Even though I don't know what Your plan is,
I know You're making beauty from these ashes...

Although I had never met this cousin, and I barely know Melanie, and although I believe in the promise of Heaven and believed this girl was truly in a much better place (with a much healthier body), I cried.
Death is emotional.
...I've seen joy and I've seen pain.
On my knees I call Your name.
Here's my broken hallelujah...

The two sons of Melanie's cousin were separated;
...You know the things that have brought me here.
You know the story of every tear...

one to live with his father and the other to live with his aunt Jamie.
...'Cause You've been here since the very start...

Left without parents, a sister, and suddenly a mom to a pre-teen, Jamie was left to carry-on with her life. And her truth was that life was not easy on her.
...With nothing left to hold on to,
I raise these empty hands to You.
Here's my broken Hallelujah...

Melanie still prays for her cousin, who has had Jesus shoved-down her throat by well-meaning family members.

Jamie still denies Him.
...When all is taken away,
don't let my heart be changed.
Let me always sing Hallelujah...

During the cousin's sister's funeral, Melaine's husband, who is a worship leader, began to sing a song that, unbeknowest to him, would spark some peace in this cousin.

A song called Broken Hallelujah, performed by The Afters.
...When I feel afraid,
don't let my hope be erased,
let me always sing Hallelujah.
Let me always sing Hallelujah...

After the funeral, Melanie's cousin asked her for the names of the group and song so that she could listen to it again. It brought her comfort in the midst of her pain.
...I will always sing...
...I will always sing...'s my broken Hallelujah...


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