Thursday, December 18, 2014

Of Good Cheer, part 4: Jamie

June 27

Last night I dreamt about Jamie. She is one of two of my sisters-in-law on my husband's side.
It is June and, come August, Jamie will have been deceased for an entire year. Because she loved the Lord with her whole heart here on earth, I have zero doubt that she is rejoicing with Jesus in Heaven.
They say in Heaven you are young.
They say you are happy.

In my dream, I was sitting on someone's floor eating a huge helping of ground turkey. Or beef. I had just shoveled an entire mouthful into my mouth when I looked over to my right and saw her.
She was standing in the adjacent room, through an open doorway. She smiled and, although I was dreaming, I was still aware that she was dead, yet she was standing there. She looked just like I had known her here on earth, only I didn't see any wrinkles. I don't think she had many wrinkles in the first place, but in my dream I remember knowing, "you're not alive" as well as thinking, "you have no wrinkles".
Seeing Jamie was not scary.
It was intriguing.
I didn't want to stop seeing her.
When I first saw her, my mouth full of ground meat, I must have gasped, because the meat began to fall out of my opened mouth.

She smiled a lot, like she knew she was surprising me and my reaction was funny.
In the dream, there was suddenly another scenario, as if the first one was over and part two had begun.
In this one, I was walking with someone and she was talking. I think the person may have been Laura, my surviving sister-in-law, but I am not certain. There was a third person, who I think was my mother-in-law, but she was off to the side.
In the dream, I was walking backwards while Laura was talking and suddenly Jamie was to Laura's left, which was the right side of Laura to me since I was still walking backwards.

I was staring at Jamie, still marveling at the fact that she is dead and yet she was right there.
This is where Terry, my mother-in-law interrupted me from my daydream or whatever it may have been, because Laura was still talking but I was not hearing her, nor was I looking at her.
I was looking at Jamie, and, although I knew Laura was still talking, I couldn't hear a thing.
When Terry spoke, however, it brought me back to attention, for she commented that I was, "not longer paying attention to you [Laura], not when Jamie is right there".

I suppose that means that, somehow, Terry knew that I could see Jamie, but Laura did not.
The two dreams felt too quick and I would LOVE to see more of my beloved Jamie in my dreams.
I wrote this because I did not want to forget.
I am curious about dreams. Are you, too?
You know what else? It makes me really thankful. I loved seeing Jamie, if only briefly and in my dreams. It's comforting and exciting and I am really grateful.
(Thank You, Jesus! You are so creative! Thank you for thinking of me. Please send my love to Jamie.)

A friend purchased two mother and two baby cows today.

One mother, with her calf, took off running.
On our way out to their farm to do our best to help find and corral these cows, I told Big Strong Man about my dream.
He wanted to try his hand at interpreting it, quoting the Bible verse which talks of the, "young men will dream dreams".
His interpretation was interesting to me, certainly not what I would have discovered on my own.

He noted that I was just fine with the meat falling out of my mouth because I was more focused on Jamie and the meat seemed irrelevant. Had this been an actual situation, I would have been mortified, naturally. (The fact that I had a huge mouthful of meat in a public setting was a little mortifiying as well.)
This he tied to the fact that, when our eyes are on Jesus, who he thinks Jamie represented in the dream, the things of this world become irrelevant.
The second thing he noted is that his sister Laura is loud. Since I was listening to her talk, he thinks it represented me allowing the stressors of this world to overwhelm me. It was when I notice Jamie and could not take my eyes off of her that I did drown out what Laura (a.k.a. the world) was saying. Her lips were moving, but I didn't hear a thing.
Again, Jamie represents Jesus.
No, Jamie was not sinless.
She was very much human.

Big Strong Man remembered that Jamie, who was a nurse, always wanted to try and help me.
The first year we were married, I broke down in hysterical tears at a friend's wedding and could not make myself stop. Jamie very kindly walked with me away from the other guests and comforted me.
Her heart was to help. And Big Strong Man remembered how she cared so much for me and thought of me often.
Even in my dreams. :) 
p.s. They found their cows. Three miles away, in the next farmers pasture.

yours, gomommyblogger

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