Thursday, December 18, 2014

Of Good Cheer, part 5: Cece

Let's Call Her Cece

There's this girl...let's call her Cece. I'm certain you know her...her kind.
Smart. Beautiful. Perfect.
With one look, you see that she is lovely. She has great posture. She has flawless teeth. A fantastic wardrobe.
If you watch her any longer, you will see her daughters, who are dressed like Ralph Lauren models are innocent and beautiful.

Like their momma.

We don't talk much but I think she is nice. She is that girl who has it all.
You know.


There were four of us. Watching our Littles play as we talked. I asked about babies.
I asked her.
She responded. Straight to the point and only pausing for an initial moment, as if to weigh her words.
She and her husband are going through some stuff. There is love there. There is also struggling. They are considering another baby, but not until they have had marriage counseling.
This is her leverage on him.
He is not so apt to go.

But they will do it. As I type, they did it.
They had their appointment and, please, Lord, please, they went.

And I share this because I am learning about judgement. Reminded that Peter judged and was rebuked by Jesus (Matt 18: 21-22).
Reminded that she is human, just as I am human.
Her life is not always smiley faces and sunny days.
She is real.

And in my heart of hearts, I don't know if I should still be thinking about our conversation. If the other two women are still thinking about it. And am I judging her if I feel for her?
I don't think it's pity. But my heart is saddened.

Because she was supposed to have more.
Her life, better.
But there I go, judging her again.

There's this girl. On the outside, she looks flawless. Her life, the best.
But she has days: good and bad.
She loves the Lord.
She is fighting for her marriage.
And if there is any judgement, Lord, please let it not be me looking at her with sympathy, nor placing her on a pedestal. Please let me see her through eyes the same as You.

A child.
A sister.
A friend.  

blessings, gomommyblogger

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