Monday, January 12, 2015

Reflections of My Mate

HIG March 29, 2014

He is Courting Me!
My Big Strong Man made the bed today.
Even the extra throw that sits at the end.
He was a few hours into his work day when he texted me, writing: Great lunch;)

Last night I was tired and simply not wanting to work on the disaster we had made in the kitchen.
He told me to sit.
He cleaned it instead.
I sat on the couch after the boys had gone to bed, reading. He finished in the kitchen and joined me in the living room.
Before turning on the television, which is his go-to for relaxation, he asked me if the noise would distract me.

He has been getting down on the floor with our two little men and rolling around.

He completed in two hours the one project I had stored in the garage for almost two years.
And he did a darned great job.
We received our income tax return and knew we were killing our last credit card with
it. (Thank you Dave Ramsay and Financial Peace University!)
When he first saw that our return had been deposited into our account, he did a happy dance right there in the parking lot of the bank!
Afterwards, he jumped in the van with the boys and I and -with the excitement of a child headed to Disney- he asked, "can we wait until I am done with work today to make this phone call and end this forever, together?
He is courting me.
I am such a blessed girl.

This is the place where it all started.
900 Life Drive
HIG March 23, 2014

He Says "Don't"/His Awesome Heart
He received a text this morning, as informally as his boss sends them.
He has the day off.
Load up the trailor and purchase 1,600 lbs (!) of manture and unload in all into our overflowing allotment for a garden.
So black and soft.

He bends over the garden, shirtless, hoeing, and tilling, and planting those seeds.
I plan to clean for a friend, wrists hurting after attacking the grout without much evidence to show.
He volunteers to come with me.
To help.

A car with four-ways on, stopped in the highway; far right.
We drive past and immediately he says to both himself and I, "I should help".
Makes a u-turn.
Pushes her car onto the side road.
I cry.
Tears of pride.
"You are awesome", I tell him.
"No, don't do that", he responds.
No attention wanted.
Actual modesty.
Completely awesome.

"Cookies", he suggests. "Let's bake your friend some cookies so when she comes home, the air will
smell both clean and yummy."
Bake cookies for the woman we are cleaning for? What an great idea!
Only a man after God's heart... or a crazy man- so says the woman at Wal*Mart to him when she asks him what the special occassion cookies and lemon icing are for and he proceeds to tell her.

Two hours spent on one bathroom.
Smells like bleach; shines so bright.

We stop for food on the way home. Drive thru.
Boys are hungry.
He is hungry.
"Make sure he gets enough first", is what he tells me when our 16 month old asks for more and all that remains is the burrito belonging to this man. 
Offering up his burrito, his body still hungry for more. But no.
No, give it to the child. 

And then we were under the blankets, each trying to get comfortable; my eyes closing, his watching some late night t.v., when our youngest awoke.
"Can you please change his diaper?", I asked, body exhausted.
And he, body not having had rested all day, changed our little man.
Sang to him.
Returned to bed.

In those few moments I had fallen asleep and I know this only because when he returned to bed, I awoke.

What a busy day.
What an awesome heart.

My crazy-handsome Big Strong Man
HIG March09

Marriage and an Apple
Yesterday was free ice cream at Ben and Jerry's. -um, yum!
After dinner, Big Strong Man and I loaded up our silver Sodona with our two little men and headed 20 minutes away to the only B&J we could think of.
Before we arrived at the overcrowded outside shopping center, which houses this ice cream delight;
before the rich, chocolatey taste of Phish Food touched our lips;
before I watched with pure delight as Big Strong Man carried Zep high on his shoulders as they returned to the van, victorious with their ice cream bowls;
we turned the music down low in the van and drove, enjoying the fine air that the evening offered. Only then cooling, after a day of heat.

As we drove, Big Strong Man shared a story he had recently heard about how IBM, the computer company, started off as a basement project and grew to the powerhouse it is today.
Not overnight.
Not without struggle.
To see it now, it's impressive.

He likened our marriage to IBM.
...I am enjoying this already....
He noted, rightfully so, that our marriage has certainly had some rough spots.
He also noted that we are are still so new to our marriage (almost five years!) that time has not matured us enough to move us to the penthouse...or even out of the basement.
Our marriage is IBM, and we are in our basement.
He likened our marriage to this company which can now do these wonderful things.
A company that stood the test of time.
And he declared that over us.
And I agreed. willingly.

feeling blessed, gomommyblogger

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