Sunday, January 18, 2015

Mommies are Allowed to Pee

January 8th, 2014

Mommies are Allowed to Pee
These words graced my Big Strong Man's lips yesterday.
They brought a smile to my own.

I was gone out of the house for a couple of hours to tend to
a doctor's appointment and, upon my arrival home, my two
Littles didn't want me out of their sights- in particular, my Demitri.

As I was pottying, I meditated on that sentence for a minute.
Mommies are allowed to pee.

You know, it's a running joke of every mom (and dads, too) that
I know that we cannot even use the potty in peace.
fingers under the door... (these, I admit, I rather enjoy!).

So when it is too easy to get frustrated with one's lack of privacy and
space around here, it is nice to have simple nudges -Godly nudges-
which remind me that I am actually really grateful for those knocks and

That's what LIFE is all about

Sometimes the reminders take a little prompting.
As I was on my way to my appointment for Gestational Diabetes, I was
There was a car with four-ways on, stopped furthest left on a three-
lane highway. Still in the road.
The vehicle in front of me slammed on its brakes, as did I and the SUV
behind me.
The car two behind me, did not get its brakes on quick enough.
The vehicle in front of me continued driving, but my van and the two
vehicles behind me were all hit.

Thankfully no one was seriously injured.
Thankfully no one was killed.
Thankfully, four out of five of us walked away unscathed.

The woman in the third vehicle was taken away in a stretcher.
I can only hope she is alright, as she got out of her car on her own and
spoke, so I know she was both conscious and mobile, as well as coherent.

After an hour of standing out in the cold, reassured that both baby
Thatcher (32 weeks now) and I were "most likely" fine since I did not
hit the wheel and the seat belt did not trap me. (It protected us, but
didn't lock-up and cause us any harm.)
I felt no pain but was anxious because I wanted to make certain that
Thatcher was healthy and absolutely safe.
The EMS workers and police officer understood my concern and tried to
move things along quickly.

After both I and my van were cleared to leave the scene (my vehicle was
the only one that was still drive able), we were told to go directly to
the Urgent Care center, which, thankfully, was only about two blocks away.
After getting a positive Fetal Reading (strong, healthy heartbeat), I was
sent to the Women's Hospital for further testing.
After another two hours of Fetal Monitoring, where we heard a beautiful
heartbeat and felt my Little Man kick up a storm(!), I was able to drive
myself home.


It is too easy to forget about daily blessings.
Each kick in my bladder.
Every finger swipe under the bathroom door.
Sweet blessings.

While I was in the waiting room at the hospital, I read my daily devotional.
The short of it reads like this:

               The Scriptures promise us that the Lord changes not. He is the
                  same yesterday, and today, and forever. (Hebrews 13.8)
           ...We can know with certainty, 'The steps of a good* man are ordered
                                     by the Lord'. (Psalm 37:23)
           ...The Lord may have some surprises for you today. They are part of
                                   His ongoing creation in your life.
                                      ...You can count on Him!"

(*Good was italicized.)
As I read this, I marveled at just how appropriate it was for the events I just
walked through.
A surprise all right!

But my favorite, the most beautiful portion was how the third promise was
In the midst of desiring and praying that baby Thatcher was still safe,
I read, "They are part of His ONGOING CREATION in your life".
The night before this vehicular accident, my stepfather passed away.
He was my Momma's Beloved, and you can read more about him here:
Of Good Cheer part 1: It is Well
Although he was very sick, and for such a long time, his death still caught
us all by surprise.
Prior to his passing, I came across a slip of paper I had tucked into my
Bible. After re-reading the paper, I knew I had wanted to somehow incorporate
it into this blog.
This post seems rather appropriate.

Many, MANY, people believe that the goal of this life is happiness.
...The pursuit of happiness.
...Don't worry; be happy.
But the point may not be happiness at all.

The paper reads:
                       Happiness is not the goal;
                there is more to life than happiness. 
                      What's better is obedience.
                            The goal is holiness.
              Each half of a marriage has roles to fulfill.
                      We need to be held accountable.
             For the man, he is to present his wife as holy.
         The woman is to drive her family into the face of God.

This, I truly believe is better than happiness.
Happiness is, in itself, circumstantial. Joy is a lifestyle.
Holiness is the goal.

When we are loving our children, our spouse, and our neighbor, we are showing
them the love of Jesus.
When we have accepted Jesus as our Savior, we are not only held to a higher
standard in our lives, but NOTHING IS WASTED!

When our goal is holiness- when we can truly see God in all His glory here on
earth- we can see that self is not the goal of this life.
Sharing the love that only a GOOD GOD GIVES, and sharing it freely, in our
everyday living;
seeking Him with our whole heart and choosing a life that returns blessing to
thanking Him.

When our goal is holiness, even the average, uneventful, and difficult can be
seen as blessings.
Fingers under the bathroom door.
A stepfather in the arms of Jesus.
Family. Imperfect, wonderful, family.

May today find you blessed, for you are.
In your heart of hearts, remember to give God thanks.
True, firm, thanks.
A thank you fit for the King of Kings.
(It's humbling, isn't it?)
-with much love and hope for you,

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